Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Dana Bash: House Ethics Committee Makes Rare Statement About Matt Gaetz Investigation

Source:CNN talking about U.S. Representative Matt Gaetz (MAGA, Florida) new investigation of him by the House Ethics Committee.

"The House Ethics Committee announced that it will continue to investigate certain allegations surrounding Rep. Matt Gaetz, including whether the Florida Republican engaged in sexual misconduct, while ending other portions of the probe. CNN’s Annie Grayer reports." 

From CNN

You know it's a slow news day when I'm writing anything about U.S. Representative Matt Gaetz. The only 2 things that he's accomplished in the 118th Congress (if you want to call them accomplishments) are almost preventing one man from his own party from becoming Speaker of the House and getting that same man vacated as Speaker 8 months later, for simply doing his job and preventing the U.S. Government from shutting down. 

Having said that, if there are 2 committees left in Congress that are bipartisan, it's the Senate Ethics Committee and the House Ethics Committee. And maybe the Joint Economic Committee between the House and Senate. And if Kevin McCarthy was smart, (which is never safe bet) he stacked the House Ethics Committee with real Republicans who support and supported him, before he was vacated as Speaker last September. 

The other thing being, these rumors about MAGA Matt dealing with his sexual involvement with minors, goes back to 2018, before Democrats won back the House. The U.S. Justice Department spent 2 years investigating the Florida Representative about these allegations before deciding last year that there wasn't enough evidence to indict him. Maybe the House Ethics Committee thinks they have new and better evidence now to go forward. As they say in Hollywood: stay tuned for more.

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1 comment:

  1. You can also see this post on WordPress:https://thenewdemocrat1975.com/2024/06/18/dana-bash-house-ethics-committee-makes-rare-statement-about-matt-gaetz-investigation/


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John F. Kennedy Liberal Democrat

John F. Kennedy Liberal Democrat
Source: U.S. Senator John F. Kennedy in 1960