Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Ben Meiselas: ‘Donald Trump Lawyer YELLED AT by Judge at CLOSING ARGUMENT’

Source:Meidas Touch talking about Donald Trump’s lack of a defense at his criminal trial.

Source:The New Democrat

“MeidasTouch host Ben Meiselas reports on the ending of the closing argument by Donald Trump’s lawyers at his criminal trial where the lawyers engaged in misconduct and were severely admonished by the judge.” 

From the Meidas Touch

“In closings Tuesday, defense lawyer Todd Blanche tried the classic ” but if he did do it” defense.

If Trump did falsify documents, he didn’t do it with the required criminal intent, Blanche argued.

He then showed jurors 3 prosecution exhibits where Trump admits to the hush-money reimbursement.

It’s the classic defense closing argument: My client didn’t do it, ladies and gentlemen — but if he did do it, it wasn’t intentional.

This is the argument that Donald Trump’s lawyer, Todd Blanche, tried out on the hush-money jury in Manhattan on Tuesday.

Yes, Blanche spent the bulk of his arguments denying that Trump committed the charges he’s on trial for.” 

No offense to Ben Meiselas and I completely agree with him here, but Yahoo News has the best story here.

Not that I would suggest to the Manhattan DA that they rest their case on what Donald Trump’s defense lawyer Todd Blanche (who proves every single day how inexperienced a defense lawyer that he is) said in his closing argument, because he almost made the prosecution’s case for them, but when the defense is making your case for you, you can almost sit back and relax. Perhaps open up some Cognac and a cigar. (If you drink alcohol and smoke) 

So what the defense is basically saying here is: “If my client were to commit the crimes that he’s being charged with, (including 2 felonies) he wouldn’t have been so stupid in how he would’ve gone about committing them.” 

If you remember O.J. Simpson’s book from 2004 where he’s still officially claiming that he was innocent of the two murders that he got off on 10 years earlier, but he writes a book with the title: “If I Did It” And he argued in that book if he were going to murder Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman, this is how he would’ve murdered those two people. It’s the old admitting guilt without pleading guilty defense. So if you are on that jury, how do you not think to yourself: “Even the defense thinks their client is guilty.”

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John F. Kennedy Liberal Democrat

John F. Kennedy Liberal Democrat
Source: U.S. Senator John F. Kennedy in 1960