Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Leigh McGowan: The Rich Get Richer

"So the Republican budget plans to cut Medicaid by $880 billion so they can offer more tax cuts to the ultra Rich that is their real plan that is what they're voting on today. Do you know what the budget of Medicaid is it's $880 billion so to be clear the Republicans plan to destroy Medicaid which is the health care for 72 million Americans so that rich people can have even more money they're trying to be subtle about it the resolution doesn't explicitly call for tax to Medicaid. But there is virtually no other way to achieve the $880 billion in savings the resolution calls for without slashing Medicaid so it's smoke a mirrors baby smoke and mirrors. 

And I'm curious knowing that is that what people voted for is that what Republicans want their representatives voting for because Democrats aren't helping with this this is a republican plan the Democrats tried in budget reconciliation to get the Republicans to add an amendment to the bill that said they would leave Medicaid alone. But the Republican Senators voted against it they tried to get an Amendment added that said no one who makes over a billion dollars a year should get a tax cut. But the Republicans voted against it so this is literally their plan you can listen to them talk online or on TV or in town halls about waste and Fraud and Abuse. 

And about how this bloated government excess is forcing them to fire government workers and cancel government contracts but we now know that nearly 40% of all the contracts Doge has canceled so far will produce zero dollars in savings.Zero because if you had a contract for say a million dollars and the government had already paid 800,000 of that canceling that contract doesn't save you a million dollars as Doge math pretends. It does at most it saves you $200,000 but you just wasted 800,000 on something you can no longer use. 

If we wanted to save money, we would be doing things like canceling the billions of dollars in subsidies we give to oil and gas companies or pharmaceutical companies both of who make billions of dollars a year in profit. Why do they need taxpayer money what are the taxpayers getting out of that deal but nope we're not going to touch that the contracts and jobs that doge is cancelling are the ones that employ American workers and fund American farmers and take care of American veterans and feed the American people. All which positively affects the American economy. But the Republicans instead have chosen to give that money away to industries that don't need it and don't give back talk about waste. 

Hell if the Republicans really want to save money if they truly cared about balancing the budget it wouldn't be from cutting Medical Care to our oldest citizens and poorest children. They would be doing what good old sleepy Joe did and funding the IRS because America leaves trillions of dollars that is trillions with a tea in unpaid taxes on The table every year from the very richest Americans and corporations. Because our tax revenue service doesn't have the money or manpower to go after our biggest tax cheats. 

There are trillions of dollars available to the American government that we just don't bring in because the people responsible for collecting it cannot compete with the high-powered lawyers and accountants the rich can afford. 

So if you're looking for Fraud and Abuse there is your culprit. But no we're not going to collect taxes on the rich that they already owe. Republicans have already cut 6,000 IRS employees no we're going to let them keep dodging their taxes and give them lower rates and more write-offs. We're going to give the ultra rich and the billionaires and the corporations more money while we cut National Park Rangers and cancer researchers and food safety inspectors and air traffic controllers. 

We are going to watch the Republicans vote for a budget that ensures people lose access to medications and doctors and services so that people who don't need anything can have more while people who have nothing can get less you you vultures you people clearly did not read enough." 

Source:Politics Girl Leigh McGowan.

From the transcript of the Politics Girl video.

See, whatever you think of what Leigh McGown is proposing here, it's the wrong approach, even if you like what she's proposing. At least the politics of it, even if you agree with her ideas. What she's talking about is proposing an alternative to what House Republicans are trying to jam through the House right now, but seem to be short on votes. 

I'm with James Carville on this: 

When you see your arch-enemy is drowning in the ocean. don't throw them a lifeline. Let them drown. 

When you see your arch enemy's house is on fire and no one is there to do anything about it, don't even offer to spit on the fire, let alone dump your own water on it, or call 911. Just let the house burn down. 

Right now, Republicans control The White House and both chambers of Congress, not just the House and White House. They have everything, including the Senate and Supreme Court. They are in complete charge and completely responsible for the nation's welfare as far as what passes and what doesn't. 

If the Republican Party holds their people together in the House and Senate, they can pass just about anything that's not subjected to the Senate filibuster, on their own. But when they try to pass unpopular, partisan legislation on their own, especially with only a 2 seat majority in the House of Representatives, out of 434 seats, they get into trouble. And that's exactly what they're trying to do right now. 

Right now, the MAGA wing of the Republican Party are considered the bad guys with the voters. They're trying to gut our air traffic controllers, our law enforcement, even the military. Because they want to send migrants to Cuba and extend the Trump tax cuts and even cut taxes further or high-earners and corporations. These aren't popular proposals, along with gutting Medicaid. 

So why the MAGA House is burning down, why would House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries throw Speaker Mike Johnson and Majority Leader Steve Scalise a political lifeline and offer an alternative to what the MAGA House is doing, that could become just as unpopular as what House MAGA is doing, after House MAGA demagogues it? 

The only real advantage to being both the opposition, as well as minority party in the U.S. Government, is you aren't responsible for governing. Except when there's legislation that has to be passed for "the good of the country" and the party-in-power doesn't have the votes to pass what needs to be done on their own. 

As long as the House Republicans are scrambling to come up with 1-2 votes to pass their budget bill, the only thing Democrats should be doing is attacking the unpopular aspects of legislation. Not offering to spit on the fire in the MAGA House, or offering to dump your water bottle on it, or offering political lifelines so they don't drown politically. Which is what House Democrats would be doing by offering an alternative to what House MAGA is doing, or offering their votes. 

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John F. Kennedy Liberal Democrat

John F. Kennedy Liberal Democrat
Source: U.S. Senator John F. Kennedy in 1960