
Monday, November 20, 2023

Real Time With Bill Maher: Overtime: Donna Brazile & Adam Kinzinger

Source:Real Time With Bill Maher- left to right for people who are hard of seeing: Donna Brazile & Adam Kinzinger.

"Bill and his guests continue their conversation after the show." 

There's not much here to go with, but there are a few points that were made in this segment that might keep people awake long enough to read this, which is what I'll talk about. 

Adam Kinziner, whose one of the last of the true Conservative Republicans, (which is why I guess he's no longer in the U.S. House of Representatives) made an excellent point about Governor Ron DeSantis and predicting that Governor DeSanitis would be the next Republican to drop out of the Republican presidential race. 

Kinzinger's argument is that Ron DeSantis's play was that Donald Trump would fall because of all the legal baggage and that even some MAGA Republicans (who aren't really Republicans, but that's a different story) would think that Trump can't win the general election, because of all the legal cases, the baggage, and evidence against DJT and that DeSantis would inherit those voters from Trump. 

But as Kinzinger said (and they served in the House together in the 2010s) Ron DeSanitis is like the most boring person that you could possibly ever dream of meeting. No personality, not likable, etc. You can't win in Iowa, New Hampshire, probably South Carolina as well, which isn't as rural as the other states, but you can't win in those states if you are boring and unlikable. 

The main problem that Ron DeSantis seems to have is that his message is basically: "I'm as interesting as a phonebook, I'm also an asshole, but I would make a good President." Which seems to be Ron DeSantis's message to the early Republican voters right now. Along with since Donald Trump has taken over the Republican Party, they've been losing, which is why they need a change. He's right about that, but he hasn't made the case for why he should be the next leader of that party. 

Bill Maher's point about Joe Biden being that he's not too old to be President. He's just too old to get reelected President and its perception that voters care about and not reality. As I said on The New Democrat back in October: 

"It's one thing to say that Joe Biden shouldn't run for reelection. But I didn't hear Bill Maher mention anyone who should run for President as the Democrat in the President's place. You can quote James Carville all you want, but Carville doesn't have a Democratic alternative to Trump either." 

The only thing that I have to add to what I said back in October about Joe Biden's reelection possibilities is, to beat somebody, you have to have somebody or be somebody yourself. 

If the Democratic Party really believed that Joe Biden is either too old to get reelected or too old to beat Donald Trump again, (even though he's still the only person whose ever beaten Donald Trump in any election) you would see a boatload of mainstream Democrats running against the the President right now. 

What we have instead are just these boring, middle of the road Democrats, who don't really believe in anything, who are probably just trying to get more attention for themselves, raise more money for a future campaign, or just perhaps just secretly trying to sabotage the President because they don't like him. Or, professional conspiracy theorists, who aren't really Democrats or Republicans ideologically and don't know what else to do with their time right now.

I think people like David Axelrod, who really does believe that Joe Biden is a in political trouble right now, with concerns about his age and how low approval rating, really believe that Joe Biden could definitely lose right now and perhaps is even the underdog going in 2024. 

But who beats the President a year from now? Some might say Nikki Haley, but she has to defeat Donald Trump 1st and get his voters behind her. Some might say Donald Trump, but he'll be a convicted a felon a year from now and probably bankrupt as well. 

Are American voters (and I'm talking about Democrats, Independents, and center-right Republicans) who truly believe that Donald Trump, who a year from now will be a bankrupt, convicted felon, who  is a real threat to American democracy, freedom, and the republic, really want for President again, especially over someone who believes in those values that Donald Trump would try to destroy, if given the chance? I seriously doubt that because there's no evidence of that. 

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John F. Kennedy Liberal Democrat

John F. Kennedy Liberal Democrat
Source: U.S. Senator John F. Kennedy in 1960