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Source:Economic Policy Journal- publisher Robert Wenzel. |
"Progressives are often good people with good intentions. However, modern Progressivism has evolved into something so shapeless and amorphous as to amount to little more than a belief in “things that sound nice.” Mainstream Progressives have done an abysmal job of outlining precisely, in their view, the proper role of government and what (if any) limiting principle(s) apply to the state as a whole."
You can read the rest of this article at the Economic Policy Journal
"Classical Liberalism and Modern Progressivism - Presenter Todd Puterbaugh"
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Source:Commonsense Community- from Todd Puterbaugh's lecture about classical liberalism. |
From Commonsense Community
It use to be Liberals and liberalism that right-wingers use to talk about when talking about anything that seemed Un-American and statist to them, at least coming from the Far-Left either in America or outside of America. But as Americans learning more about Liberals and liberalism, as well as Classical Liberals (which are really just Liberals) and classical liberalism) which is really just liberalism) including Conservatives, more Americans on the Center-Right now see themselves as Liberals, or at least Classical Liberals, people who are considered Center-Right in the rest of the developed world.
Now that more Americans are learning more about who Liberals really are ideologically and what liberalism actually is (or Classical Liberals and classical liberalism, if you prefer) Progressives and progressivism are becoming the new boogymen for hyper-partisan right-wingers, Conservative and Libertarians, to talk about anything that they see as statist and Un-American that's coming from the Far-Left.
What progressivism really is: "Progressivism is a political philosophy in support of social reform.[1] Based on the idea of progress in which advancements in science, technology, economic development and social organization are vital to the improvement of the human condition, progressivism became highly significant during the Age of Enlightenment in Europe, out of the belief that Europe was demonstrating that societies could progress in civility from uncivilized conditions to civilization through strengthening the basis of empirical knowledge as the foundation of society.[2] Figures of the Enlightenment believed that progress had universal application to all societies and that these ideas would spread around the world from Europe.[2]
The early-20th century concept of progressivism emerged from the vast social changes brought about by industrialization and the Second Industrial Revolution of the late 19th century. Progressives took the view that progress was being stifled by vast economic inequality; minimally regulated monopolistic corporations; and the intense and often violent conflict between laborers and economic elites, arguing that measures were needed to address these problems."
From Wikipedia
This blog uses terms like Socialist, Democratic Socialist, Social Democrat, New Marxist, Neo-Communist and New-Left, to describe people who we at least see are to the left of what would be called Progressives, in the Teddy Roosevelt, FDR, LBJ, New Deal and Great Society sense.
Real Progressives (not the right or left-wing definition of Progressives) do have a big role when it comes to government and using government in America to create progress. Create an environment where everyone can succeed in this country, but on their own. Where you don't need to come from wealthy parents to succeed in America, because everyone has the access to a modern infrastructure system, a quality education through higher education. A public safety net for people who truly need it, but not a welfare state to manage everyone economic and personal affairs for them.
The so-called Modern Progressive (who are really Democratic Socialists in the Bernie Sanders and back in the 1970s George McGovern) believe that the New Deal and Great Society simply didn't go far enough. They see the private sector is too big, the Federal Government too small, too much individualism in the American economy, taxes too low across the board. And as a result the Democratic Socialist believes the American economy is an economy where people can do too well in their view and where everyone else doesn't have enough.
So according to Democratic Socialists (not Progressives) they would say you need a big Federal Government to make up the difference and pick up the slack for the shortcomings of the private sector. You need to tax everyone at high amounts so everyone has what they need to live well that is provided by the Federal Government. And heavily tax the wealthy to take care of the poor.
So when this blog talks about lets say Franklin Roosevelt and his presidency, we do talk about the New Deal, the modern infrastructure system, but we also talk about World War II and the national security state that his administration created. Because progressivism, is a modern mainstream Center-Left philosophy, that generally sees America as a force for good (to sound corny) and America as a great country, to the point that it is worth defending. And that we need to be strong enough to defend ourselves, but also defend our liberal values around the world of freedom and human rights and help people who are struggling to obtain those things for themselves. Where we and our allies can make a positive difference. Because Progressives understand power and aren't anti-military and use of force.
It is not just that Democratic Socialists today, tend to see government as too small and taxes too low and that government doesn't do enough for the people, but that our military are the real terrorists in the world. And that they believe that minorities deserve special protection and some right never to be criticized, at least not by majorities. And that masculinity is a bad thing and that men tend to be bad and what America stands for tends to be bad things.
Today's Socialists (not Progressives) are way to the left of what the Roosevelt's and Harry Truman and LBJ ever were ideologically. They are a new leftist political movement that might considered mainstream in Europe, but look like Far-Left radicals in America. And even make Progressives look like Conservatives, at least in comparison. Just like the Christian-Right may look mainstream in the Middle East and South Asia, but look like Far-Right radicals in America.
You can also see this post at FreeState Now, on Blogger.
You can also see this post at FreeState Now:http://freestatenow.blogspot.com/2016/01/economic-policy-journal-yonathan.html on Blogger.