Friday, May 4, 2018

Politics and Prose: Timothy Snyder- 'The Road To Unfreedom'

Source:Politics and Prose- Author Timothy Snyder, at Politics and Prose in Washington.
"Snyder’s follow-up to On Tyranny moves from showing how to resist authoritarianism to tracing the path of its recent resurgence. Starting with Putin’s consolidation of power in Russia, Snyder charts the rise of nationalists and oligarchs from Hungary and Poland to Britain and the U.S. Noting that the threat these movements pose to Western institutions aligns with Putin’s goals, Snyder advises us that they also reflect weaknesses and vulnerabilities within liberal democratic systems. As he urges us to act on the choice between individuality and totality, Snyder frames this moment of crisis as an opportunity to better understand and affirm the values and principles underlying our imperiled political order." 

Source: Writers Bloc Presents- Author Timothy Snyder 
From Politics and Prose

Timothy Snyder seems to be arguing that the reasons why voters in America and in Europe, have turned to nationalist-authoritarianism instead of liberal democracy, has to do with what's called inequality. That people who are voting for what's called strongmen or at least people with strongmen authoritarian leanings ( like Donald Trump ) is because they've seen their incomes decline while their taxes have gone up and then they see someone come in and essentially say that if you give them all of this power, they'll fix your problems for you.

Left-wing socialist and communist authoritarians, make these promises all the time. We saw that with Hugo Chavez and now Nicholas Maduro in Venezuela and we're now seeing that with Vladimir Putin in Russia and seeing it in Poland and Hungry today, and Donald Trump in America. Right-wing nationalist authoritarians coming into power and saying that if you give them all this power and don't question them, your lives will improve.

Which tells me that when people's lives seem so dark and without hope and they just can't seem to get ahead and their bills start piling, they become so desperate that they're willing to try anything to improve their lives. Including authoritarianism whether it's right-wing or left-wing authoritarianism.  

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John F. Kennedy Liberal Democrat

John F. Kennedy Liberal Democrat
Source: U.S. Senator John F. Kennedy in 1960