Monday, March 10, 2025

Scott Rouse: Casey Anthony, Sentence by Sentence Body Language Breakdown

"Casey Anthony is back—this time on TikTok. In her new video that Body Language Expert and Analyst, Scott Rouse has named “The New Me,” she sits in her car and announces that she’s now a legal advocate. Yes, you read that right. She also plugs her Substack account, where she’s sharing more of her thoughts. But is this really a “new” Casey, or just the same old story with a fresh spin? Watch as Scott breaks it all down—her words, her body language, and what this all really means. Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more deep dives into the Body Language of true crime and criminal behavior!" 

Source:Scott Rouse with a look at The Real Casey Anthony. (Assuming there is a real Casey Anthony)

From Scott Rouse

As I wrote about Casey Anthony in 2023: 

"Just looking at it from the outside, I think Casey Anthony is guilty of something horrible here, in the death of her daughter Caylee. And it looks like her parents and brother believe that as well. And it might just be she knows what happened to her daughter, but is protecting the person whose actually responsible for the death of her daughter. Which is bad enough, but that alone doesn't make you a murderer. 

My own theory is that that the baby died accidentally, Casey freaked out about that and instead of acting like a mature, responsible, adult (which she's never been) she freaked out and decided to try to cover it up, even though she didn't personally murder her baby, but perhaps didn't want to be blamed for the murder of her baby. 

I believe that Casey is responsible for the accidental death or saw her daughter die, perhaps found her dead, but doesn't know how she died, because there's no absolutely convincing evidence that she murdered her daughter. Just a lot and I mean a truck load (to be clean) of and perhaps just as much circumstantial evidence to suggest that O.J. Simpson murder Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman, just 14 years earlier in 1994... 

As I wrote about this last week: 

"My colleague Ederik Schneider will have more about this on Friday, but go back to that Oxygen, pro-Casey Anthony documentary from 2023, she admits to being a liar. Perhaps even a compulsive liar. But then blames her father George for the fact that she's a liar. So you have to know that about her every time she ever speaks about anything, especially something to do with her. 

Now Miss Anthony is claiming to be a "legal advocate" and claiming that she's been in this business since 2011. 2011 is the year she went on trial for the murder of her daughter. She's acquitted in 2013. So I'm just thinking about how she might try to sell this potential venture for herself and I have a few suggestions for her: 

"If you are guilty and know it, I can help you get off. (Perhaps in more ways than 1) Because I got away with it and know how to do that from my own personal experience." 

Another possible sales pitch for Casey Anthony could be and I think this would fit her personal experience better, since we don't know if she killed her daughter or not: 

"If you might be guilty of murder, but are not sure, perhaps you think you are guilty, I can help you with that. Because my daughter was killed in 2008 and I don't know if I killed her or not." 

And this might be the best 1: 

"You don't know if you are guilty of murder. But you feel responsible and guilty for the death of the victim, but you don't want to pay and legal responsibility for that, I can help you get off. (Perhaps in more ways than 1... 

As my colleague Ederik Schneider wrote on Friday: 

"This is the 2nd post this week from The New Democrat about Casey Anthony because she's in the news again this time talking about some new "legal advocate business" that she's trying to start on social media and in the blogosphere. But before you even consider going into business with her (and less you are just trying to make money off of her but already know a lot about her) you need to know about her background very well... 

As someone who is not a body language expert, I'm still willing to bet that honest people tend to be confident people, at least when they're speaking and not trying to hide something and trying to fool someone. And of course there are exceptions to every rule: professionals, like conmen and conwomen, know how to lie perhaps even better than how they tell the truth. But for your average, honest, decent, intelligent person, who also happens to be sane and sober, (hopefully that's not a unique club) who is not in the business to screw people over, when they're telling the truth, or at least being honest, you know that. 

And what Scott Rouse is doing here is concentrating on Casey Anthony's lack of confidence in her own words: 

The fact that she moves her eyes around a lot

She seems to be in-between points and sort of thinking about what she should say, as she's trying to say it. 

And she gets caught in a lie as well when she says this is not about her parents, not that she wouldn't respond to anything that they're saying about her. So she's sort of leaving that door open that maybe this little,,, (what's the word) "venture", perhaps adventure, could be used against them in the future.

As well as Casey claiming to be such a private person: not that difficult to find videos, even recent videos of her out in public trying to enjoy life. Whatever privacy that she tries to obtain for herself, is probably just to try to keep her haters at bay. 

Not a lawyer either, but wouldn't you love to have the opportunity to cross-examine Casey Anthony? How about just on this video alone? Or would it feel like you are just punching the same old punching bag that you've had the last 17 years when Casey Anthony became part of our pop and celebrity culture?  

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Michael Popok: Economy TANKS As Donald Trump LIES to VOTERS FACES

"Trump is so disconnected from the American Public, that he calls a recession that will cripple the economy and kill American dreams, as “just a period of transition” as he goes on Fox Business with his best friend Maria Bartiromo and makes it worse, as we woke up to an increasingly gloomy financial markets who weren’t happy with his comments.  Michael Popok puts on his Wall Street hat to do a deep dive." 

Source:Medias Touch with a look at President Donald J. Trump (MAGA, Florida) 47th POTUS & its 1st wannabe dictator.

From the Meidas Touch

I would be 1 of the last people to claim to be an expert on Wall Street... but only because I'm not. But I know this fact about it: if there's 1 thing that they want and expect the most from government, it's stability: 

They want to know what the government policy is 

what the taxes are going to look like 

tariff policy 

whether the U.S. Government will shut down or not. 

And the fact that the President of the United States doesn't know, or can't even predict whether or not the American economy which hasn't been in recession since 2020, will be in recession or not (on his watch by the way) at some point this year, is really bad for Wall Street. Which is really bad for anyone who has money in the market, perhaps runs their own business, looking to buy a home, get a loan, etc. 

As much Donald Trump might want to call himself "the Wall Street President", (which is what he was doing in his first term, before the Stock Market crashed on his watch the 1st time, because of COVID, which was also on his watch.) he's more like the last guy at the bar President, whose barely able to stay up on his stool. He just says whatever comes to his mind off the cuff, takes the last position form the last person that he talked too. 

And when the flip of the coin approach to governing works, the President takes credit for it, when it doesn't, he acts like he never spoke to that person before, or blames in on Joe Biden. And Wall Street doesn't want people like that running the economy and the country. But a lot of those folks voted for the madman anyway. 

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Friday, March 7, 2025

Casey Anthony: Where The Truth Lies

"Considered one of the first “trials of the century” that polarized conversation in living rooms across America, the Casey Anthony case is one that still leaves more questions than answers. There have been several movies and documentaries made to fill in the gaps, and yet, the woman at the center of it all remains the biggest mystery. Throughout the exclusive three-part documentary series, Casey Anthony finally tells her side of the story and addresses the public that has made so many assumptions for the past 13 years." 

Source:Peacock with a look at Casey Anthony from 2022.

From Peacock

And from Peacock's YouTube channel. They give you the same synopsis: 

"Synopsis: Considered one of the first “trials of the century” that polarized conversation in living rooms across America, the Casey Anthony case is one that still leaves more questions than answers. There have been several movies and documentaries made to fill in the gaps, and yet, the woman at the center of it all remains the biggest mystery. Throughout the exclusive three-part documentary series, Casey Anthony finally tells her side of the story and addresses the public that has made so many assumptions for the past 13 years." 

From Peacock

From what my colleague Fred Schneider wrote about this story back in 2023: 

"Just looking at it from the outside, I think Casey Anthony is guilty of something horrible here, in the death of her daughter Caylee. And it looks like her parents and brother believe that as well. And it might just be she knows what happened to her daughter, but is protecting the person whose actually responsible for the death of her daughter. Which is bad enough, but that alone doesn't make you a murderer. 

My own theory is that that the baby died accidentally, Casey freaked out about that and instead of acting like a mature, responsible, adult (which she's never been) she freaked out and decided to try to cover it up, even though she didn't personally murder her baby, but perhaps didn't want to be blamed for the murder of her baby. 

I believe that Casey is responsible for the accidental death or saw her daughter die, perhaps found her dead, but doesn't know how she died, because there's no absolutely convincing evidence that she murdered her daughter. Just a lot and I mean a truck load (to be clean) of and perhaps just as much circumstantial evidence to suggest that O.J. Simpson murder Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman, just 14 years earlier in 1994... 

And from what Fred wrote about this story on Wednesday:

"My colleague Ederik Schneider will have more about this on Friday, but go back to that Oxygen, pro-Casey Anthony documentary from 2023, she admits to being a liar. Perhaps even a compulsive liar. But then blames her father George for the fact that she's a liar. So you have to know that about her every time she ever speaks about anything, especially something to do with her. 

Now Miss Anthony is claiming to be a "legal advocate" and claiming that she's been in this business since 2011. 2011 is the year she went on trial for the murder of her daughter. She's acquitted in 2013. So I'm just thinking about how she might try to sell this potential venture for herself and I have a few suggestions for her: 

"If you are guilty and know it, I can help you get off. (Perhaps in more ways than 1) Because I got away with it and know how to do that from my own personal experience." 

Another possible sales pitch for Casey Anthony could be and I think this would fit her personal experience better, since we don't know if she killed her daughter or not: 

"If you might be guilty of murder, but are not sure, perhaps you think you are guilty, I can help you with that. Because my daughter was killed in 2008 and I don't know if I killed her or not." 

And this might be the best 1: 

"You don't know if you are guilty of murder. But you feel responsible and guilty for the death of the victim, but you don't want to pay and legal responsibility for that, I can help you get off. (Perhaps in more ways than 1... 

This is the 2nd post this week from The New Democrat about Casey Anthony because she's in the news again this time talking about some new "legal advocate business" that she's trying to start on social media and in the blogosphere. But before you even consider going into business with her (and less you are just trying to make money off of her but already know a lot about her) you need to know about her background very well. 

Like Fred, I two am a big fan of American liberal democracy and capitalism. If there's a market to buy used cars for the same price as when those cars were new, even if they have hundreds of thousands of miles on them, by all means let people spend their money on them and live with their own consequences. And whatever piece of junk that people are willing to buy on the market. All we are saying is know the facts before you act. 

The Peacock documentary is supposed to be a pro-Casey Anthony documentary. The problem is they show people what they already don't like about her: 

The title of this documentary alone: "Where The Truth Lies", we know most of the facts about her already. But she wants people to believe those are all lies. 

Casey Anthony shows very little if any real emotion, even in a documentary about her and the fact that she was on trial for her own murder. Correction: she does show some real emotion when she's talking about her time in jail while she was on trial and how bad she thought being in jail was, etc. But again, that's about her, not her daughter. 

One of the few times that Miss Anthony tells the truth in this documentary, she admits that she's a liar. But then she qualifies that and her father George made her a liar. And then accuses him of sexually molesting her, with no evidence behind that. 

So again, think before you act. Know exactly who Casey Anthony is before she consider even giving her a dollar of your own money. And then like any intelligent consumer, act accordingly based on that. Don't try to land a plane blindfolded, or buy a car before you even look at it, let alone test drive it. And definitely don't try to go into business with her because you think she's cool. Perhaps you think she's a "badass" or a "rockstar" (or whatever pop culture labels you want to use for her) because you think she got rid of her baby, because her baby was getting in the way of her party life. 

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Bill Scher: Democrats Should Do Something & They Are

"Lost in all this handwringing is that Democrats have been doing something and that something is having an impact. 

Congressional Democrats have hammered Trump for failing to lower the price of eggs and siding with Russian President Vladimir Putin over Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. They have blistered the House Republican budget resolution as devastating to Medicaid and savaged Elon Musk as an unelected billionaire gutting the federal government and threatening Social Security. State Democratic attorneys general, backed up by governors, are fiercely litigating to stall the Musk wrecking ball, as are progressive legal organizations. 

Not even two months into Trump’s second presidency, his political honeymoon is over. Trump’s net job approval-disapproval number sank from 8.5 points to just one in the Real Clear Politics average. (He went underwater in the FiveThirtyEight average just before the Nate Silver-created site’s parent company, ABC News, laid off its staff and stopped updating the average.) Musk’s numbers are worse. As I wrote last week, “according to the Washington Post-Ipsos poll, the public opposes mass civil service firings, shutdowns of federal agencies, including the foreign aid conduit USAID, banning transgender people from military service, and scrapping diversity programs.” More and more media reports note how Trump’s tariffs have undermined consumer confidence and risk recession...

Source:The Washington Monthly with a look at U.S. Representative Alexandria O. Cortez (Democratic Socialist, Bronx, New York) I guess she's trying to "go viral" here. 

From The Washington Monthly

As my colleague Fred Schneider wrote last week: 

"See, whatever you think of what Leigh McGowan is proposing here, it's the wrong approach, even if you like what she's proposing. At least the politics of it, even if you agree with her ideas. What she's talking about is proposing an alternative to what House Republicans are trying to jam through the House right now, but seem to be short on votes. 

I'm with James Carville on this: 

When you see your arch-enemy is drowning in the ocean. don't throw them a lifeline. Let them drown. 

When you see your arch enemy's house is on fire and no one is there to do anything about it, don't even offer to spit on the fire, let alone dump your own water on it, or call 911. Just let the house burn down... 

As Fred wrote last Friday: 

"Look, what do left-wing Democrats expect Chuck Schumer and company to do: 

filibuster every piece of legislation that Republicans try to bring to the floor, just to prevent Republicans from passing anything at all? 

Perhaps threaten government shutdowns unless Trump and company gives the Left everything that they want on every issue on every piece of legislation that is brought up? 

Silly question. Of course the left-wing of the Democratic Party expects the Democratic Leadership to do that. 

Maybe they want Hakeem Jeffries to tell all of his 215 members in the House to walk out every time House Republicans bring a bill up to a floor for vote. No maybe there. That's what the Democrats version of the political escaped mental patients (a phrase that was coined by The New Democrat) expects the Democratic Leadership to do for them.

But, just as Leigh McGowan is wrong about Democrats (who are the minority party both in the House & Senate) need to offer alternatives to the bad legislation that Trump and company are bringing up, so is the rest of the left-wing of the Democratic Party is wrong about how the Democrats should act as the opposition. As the great political humorist P.J. O'Rourke said many times: 

"The Republicans are the party that says government doesn't work and then they get elected and prove it... 

As I wrote on Tuesday: 

"If RJ Eskow and Sam Rosenthal really want to know why they and the rest of the Socialist-Left (not progressive) are always on the outside looking in (including left-wing Democrats) and why mainstream Democrats (the real Liberals and Progressives) are always in charge of the party and why leftists are always trying get the Democratic Party move into a more left direction, they need to look into their own political mirrors.

You want to know why Hakeem Jeffries leads the House Democrats and not Alexandria O. Cortez or Al Green, or some other Democratic Socialist in the House... I'll tell you anyway: because the Democrats aren't a left-wing party in America. They have 215 seats in the House. Maybe 80 of those are Democratic Socialists, whether you are talking about dues paying members of Democratic Socialists of America, or people who are just inline with the Socialists ideologically, but aren't ready to be card-carrying members yet. 

And if you look at Chuck Schumer in the Senate.... the same thing. He's the leader of the Democrats instead of let's say Elizabeth Warren, because the overwhelmingly majority of the Senate Democratic Caucus is center-left and in some cases center-right, like the JFK New Democrats. But they're not Democratic leftists. 

Right now Republicans are proving to the American people that their form of government doesn't work... 

As my colleague Kire Schneider wrote on Wednesday: 

"Senator Elissa Slotkin laid out the game plan last night for how Democrats, not just in Congress, but at the DNC level, the state level, as well as the activist level. need to act as the opposition party. 

What Senator Slotkin (Democrat, Michigan) said last night is inline with what Fred was talking about last week: 

The Democratic Party shouldn't be acting like some shadow opposition party where they offer their own alternatives to every piece of bad legislation that Congressional Republicans bring up, or an unlawful, unconstitutional executive order that President Trump signs. 

Or, instead to go to what James Carville was talking about last week: Democrats shouldn't become the obstructionist party (which is basically what the left-wing of the party wants them to be) but instead let the people see who bad Republicans are at governing, especially when they have all the power... 

Before any leftist who sees this and tries to argue that Bill Scher is just some mushy-middle centrist, or corporate Democrat, or moderate Republican, or tries to go racial on this and be more insulting and argue that he's just some centrist "white man of privilege", here's some background on his own political career: 

"Bill Scher founded in 2002.[citation needed] In 2004, he became a regular commentator for Air America Radio's The Majority Report hosted by Sam Seder and Janeane Garofalo.[citation needed] In 2006, he contributed a chapter to the book Proud To Be Liberal[3] and published his own book Wait! Don't Move To Canada!: A Stay-and-Fight Strategy to Win Back America (Rodale, 2006).[4] He later became an editor and writer for the Campaign for America's Future website OurFuture.or. 

Scher has been known to take positions that are controversial within liberal circles. In 2012, he published an op-ed in The New York Times titled "How Liberals Win"[6] which argued that liberals should treat "corporate power as a force to bargain with, not an enemy to vanquish". After the Edward Snowden leaks, he defended the record of the National Security Agency from a liberal perspective in essays for The Week[7] and POLITICO Magazine.[8] He defended his position in an appearance on MSNBC's The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell[9] and later in a debate with Snowden's attorney Ben Wizner on MSNBC's Up with Steve Kornacki.[10] He wrote articles critical of Bernie Sanders throughout the 2016 presidential primaries... 

From Wikipedia

My point for leftists who claim Bill Sher is not 1 of you... if you are someone who "rolls with The Squad", or has supported Ralph Nader, Jill Stein, Dennis Kusinich, or Bernie Sanders in the past... Bill Sher is an ideological brother of yours. I guess the difference here is that Mr. Sher sees Donald Trump and MAGA as the threat to our country that they are and he actually wants them defeated. Not just talk about how bad they are and try to raise money off of them and promote themselves, and try to "go viral" because of them, and prove to the country that Democratic Socialists are still the Democrats at the kiddy table and don't deserve to eat with the grownups. 

If you are a left-winger today, you probably see yourself as the people who are fighting for the American people and trying to defeat MAGA. That you are the teal "adults in the room" and the mainstream politicians and political activists and its everyone else (which is about 70% of the country) are the real fringe, who are trying to destroy America. But the Democrats lost "bigly" in 2024 because they're seen as a far-left, out-of-touch, snobbish political party. And they believed that Donald Trump either represents their values, or at least someone who would break up the establishment in Washington and bring down the cost of living. 

So why the left-wing of the Democratic Party is trying to make themselves the issue and trying to start some new political revolution against the Trump Administration, the Democratic Leadership which represents a solid majority of the Democratic Party, is going to let MAGA and company crash and burn. And while they're doing that, they are explaining to voters who even voted for Donald Trump and MAGA, that under MAGA's leadership, life for average Americans is getting a lot worst. And that it's the Democrats who represent ordinary, Americans of all backgrounds and they're here for them. 

The Democratic Leadership approach is the right way forward here: 

Let Donald Trump and MAGA crash and burn by themselves. 

Don't do anything to help them, other than help keep the government open, but without giving them anything politically to do that.

And prevent the government from defaulting, but not give them anything politically to do that and even argue in favor of fiscal responsibility, while the Trump Administration and Republican Congress tries to borrow 4 trillion-dollars for their spending priorities. 

And that Democrats have a much better approach, that's a lot more popular, that represents the priorities of average Americans.

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Thursday, March 6, 2025

Carl Higbie: On AOC & The Democratic Left At The SOTU

"On Thursday's "Carl Higbie FRONTLINE," Carl talked about the House voting to censure Rep. Al Green, responded to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez calling Republicans sensitive, and more." 

Source:Newsmax anchor Carl Higbie. I would love to know how he gets through his editorial with a straight face. 

From Newsmax

There was a line in there from Carl Higbie talking about how "the Republican Party is the party of decorum and the Democratic Party" (that he calls the Democrat Party) is the party of the Al Green's and people who heckle President's at the SOTU. (It's hard to write and laugh at Carl Higbie at the same time) So it's really Carl Higbie who needs the reality check here. Do you remember: 

Representative Joe Wilson from 2009 saying to President Obama: "You lie!" when the President was talking about health care reform. 

Who can forget Representatives Marjorie T. Greene and Lauren Boebert from 2022, when they're literally standing up heckling President Biden during his SOTU? Representative Green also trying to sell MAGA hats on Tuesday at the SOTU. 

So, please, Mr. Higbie, just dump your garbage (to be kind) on your cult followers. But when you are trying to speak to a larger audience, get a lot closer to the facts. Be in the same zip code, at least. 

I don't want play "Of yeah! What about the other side?" here (even though I sort have already did) and as my colleague Derik Schneider already warned Congressional Democrats on Tuesday: 

"So while Donald Trump and MAGA are screwing up the country and screwing over their own voters, you have these left-wing Democrats who want to be the faces of the Democratic Party and essentially tell swing voters and Republican voters who don't like Donald Trump and MAGA:

"Hey, you may think they're incompetent and crazy, but you should look at us as well. We got into political debates at the same nuthouse that MAGA was at before Donald Trump pardoned them and brought them into his administration". 

And instead of letting the Democratic Leadership just talk about how bad Donald Trump and MAGA are, the Socialist-Left in America wants to become the issue in America and have Democrats promote their crazy politics of: 

Cutting off Israel and perhaps Ukraine as well

Nationalizing health care and health insurance and perhaps banking and energy as well.

Defunding the police

They're tell people it's not murder when it's a CEO who is killed. And Democrats should be defending Luigi Mangione, instead arguing he's getting what he deserves. 

The reason why the so-called democratic-left (even though some of them are actually Communists, at least ideologically) is on the outside looking in of the Democratic Leadership and broader Democratic Party, is because they're not popular within the Democratic Party. And if these folks ran Green Party, they would struggle to get 5-10% of the vote in the general election. 

Right now it's MAGA that is screwing up America. Donald Trump and MAGA are what American voters don't seem to like or trust government. Let's not give them another reason not to trust and like government by trying to prove that Democrats are just as crazy and incompetent as President Trump and MAGA." 

And as my colleague Ederik Schneider mentioned on Tuesday as well: 

"As far as President Trump's speech tonight: I know the far-left (or crazy left) will hate hearing this, but Congressional Democrats don't need any Marjorie T. Greene or Lauren Boebert, professional impersonators tonight. I hate to break it to anyone who is new to America, but the state of the union speech is not a Real Housewives episode. It’s a serious event and part of our Constitution. I know with a lot of the political events of the last 10 years, America might just look like the latest hit, “reality TV show”. But government is supposed to be serious, at least. Leave the political Real Housewives to MAGA.

The state of the union speech is a very serious speech. My advice for House and Senate Democrats is to listen to the speech make any negative facial or physical expressions that you want (hopefully something humorous) let's say short of flipping the bird, or standing up and cussing him out and yelling. He's going to give a bad speech. Why not just sit there and look bored, while House MAGA flips out and goes crazy over it, like they're at a Nazi Party rally or something. 

Congressional Democrats should show the American people that even though the Democratic Party is both the opposition, as well as minority party right now, they're still the political adults in the room. Or at least in the House chamber. And the voters simply made a really bad choice to either vote for MAGA, or not bothering to vote at all." 

Ok, so I admit it: the far-left of the Democratic Party (at least in the House Democratic Caucus) doesn't read or listen to The New Democrat. So maybe we shouldn't try to tell them to put their guns down (even if they're just water guns) before they politically shoot themselves in the foot over and over and over and over and over again and one more time, just to make sure. 

But we've made it clear why: 

the Hakeem Jeffries's, the Chuck Schumer's, the Ken Martin's, why the Bill Clinton's, Barack Obama's, the Joe Biden's, have led the party in the past and why Ken Martin leads the party today. 

Why Hillary Clinton won the Democratic nomination in 2016 and not Bernie Sanders. Why Joe Biden won the Democratic nomination in 2020, instead of everyone's favorite Socialist Bernie Sanders. Why the Democratic Party just handed off the nomination to Kamala Harris in 2024, instead of having a contested primary season, where at least 2 Democratic Socialists would've probably ran for President. 

There's a huge difference between campaigning, politicking, "going viral" on social media, or trying out for your own, or trying to produce your own political reality TV show (The Crazy Left Invades Washington) and governing. 

To govern, you have to be able to produce solid results and work with people who don't always agree with you. But if you don't want to govern, you can just vote no and campaign, politick, "go viral" on social media, and try out for, or try to create your own political reality TV show. 

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Associated Press: Mexico's President Reacts to President Trump Postponing Tariffs On Most Goods

"Mexican President Claudia Sheinbaum responded positively to Trump’s announcement that he would postpone 25% tariffs on most goods imported from Mexico until April 2nd after a call between the two leaders earlier in the morning. Read more...

Source:Associated Press of the United Mexican States.

From the Associated Press

"President Donald Trump said Thursday that he has postponed 25% tariffs on most goods from Mexico and some imports from Canada for a month. Trump said in the Oval Office that he still plans to impose “reciprocal” tariffs starting on April 2." 

The New Democrat has been all over the cleanup in isle 9 President Trump on this issue. This is what my colleague Derik Schneider wrote about this in February: 

"President Trump's cave on the tariffs, is just like his his cave on the attempt to unilaterally freeze government spending last week. His got negative feedback from his own people and then he tried to spin it like it was some type of victory for him. 

Imagine being the coach of a football team and you just lost a game 35-7, after you spent a week talking about how your team is going to beat the other team and the press is talking about how bad your team was beat and your answer is something like: "We didn't get shut out. We scored in that game. You thought we would get shut out". 

This is what Donald Trump is like as President of the United States, he swings for the fences every time he tries to do anything. And when he misses badly, he tries claim victory by saying he did something that he had nothing to do with. He's like the amateur card player who goes to Las Vegas with his 10,000$ in savings on a Friday night, leaves on Sunday with 100 bucks left, claiming he just made a 100 bucks... 

This is what Ederik Schneider wrote about this in February: 

"Sorry, but I don't give credit to people for: 

Not jumping off the bridge. 

Not breaking into my house. 

Not hitting my car when they're parking. 

I don't give cabbies a bigger tip from dropping me off at the right location. 

When you almost create a trade war and you are just pausing that trade war, you don't deserve credit for almost blowing up your house, but putting pause on that. Perhaps you really want to look at the consequences of that. Will the insurance company be fooled. That sort of thing... 

This is what Kire Schneider wrote about this in February: 

"As Ederik mentioned yesterday and what Jesse Dollemore talked about today, is that Donald Trump creates all these man-made disasters (generally unintentionally, I believe, because he doesn't know what he's doing) and gets leaders of other countries to make some announcement announcing that they're doing what they already agreed to do years ago, or at least weeks ago.

Countries like Canada and Mexico, Britain, the European Union, already have a pretty good dossier  of President Trump. They know how easy it is to play him, to manipulate, to make him feel good. And they do that because if they make him feel good, he'l probably leave their countries alone. 

In the 1950s and 60s there was a term for someone like Donald Trump: he's what you would call back then a "damn fool". Another term from that era would be patsy. "Damn fool" would probably be a good term for most of Donald Trump's blue-collar supporters who see them as their lord and savior, who will take America back to it's "glory days' and they'll be in-charged again. But that's a different discussion...

This is what Fred Schneider wrote about this in February: 

"Donald Trump as President of the United States, (which is a big enough American nightmare right there) is like a stocker at a grocery store, who is a bit of a klutz, who just made another mess, cleans up all the apple sauce, or tomato sauce, the milk, that he just knocked over on the floor, who then cleans up that mess and expects extra credit for cleaning up his own mess, that he should've never created in the first place...

And from what I wrote about this in February: 

"No offense to Catherine Rampell and The Washington Post: The New Democrat was on this line of thinking about how Donald Trump handles his own problems that he creates for himself last week. How he politically shoots himself in the foot and sees a doctor about that and acts like he repaired the damage to his own foot himself and claims to be a world class surgeon, or something. But we're glad that Catherine Rampell picked up about this as well. Her CNN appearance last week when they were talking about the President's tariffs, suggests that she was already thinking about this for her column as well. 

I don't have much to add to what Ederik, Kire, and Fred have already said about this. 

The only thing that I would add is that Donald Trump is both an incompetent, as well as a narcissist when it comes to governing. He's simply not qualified to be President of the United States as far as actually doing the job. And you combine with the fact that he has way too much overconfidence and probably doesn't trust the people around him that he should actually listen to. So as a result, he simply ends up making a lot of bad decisions... 

I believe Washington Post economics columnist Catherine Rampell got into this in February as well: when foreign leaders publicly verbally kiss the ass (to be frank and these are my words) of President Trump, that's enough for him to back down from whatever he's currently threatening to do to them. From President Claudia Sheinbaum: 

“Many thanks to President Donald Trump. We had an excellent and respectful call in which we agreed that our work and collaboration have yielded unprecedented results, within the framework of respect for our sovereignties,” Sheinbaum said in an X post. “We will continue to work together, particularly on migration and security issues, which include reducing the illegal crossing of fentanyl into the United States, as well as weapons into Mexico.”


But the point is, we still have a status-quo trade relationship between Canada and Mexico. It looks no different today than it did in December. 1 difference would be that the President of the United States has been verbally attacking the Prime Minister of Canada and the President of the United Mexican States. That wasn't going on 4 months ago. 

So why did President Trump hit pause on his tariffs? I think personally to clean up the tomato sauce that he knocked over in isle 3, the apple sauce in isle 4, and the milk that he knocked to the floor, but we could debate that. But the Stock Market was down a total of 1,300 points on Monday and Tuesday. Up yesterday by a 1 point because perhaps they were thinking that automakers were going to be exempted from the tariffs. And inflation is still up and perhaps will be again for March.

Donald Trump is the Stock Market President. He judges the economy based on how the Stock Market is doing. When it's down, that's bad for him politically, as well as financially. So he paused the tariffs and perhaps tomorrow will lie about what a great deal he got from Canada and Mexico in exchange for him cleaning up his own political supermarket mess. 

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Wednesday, March 5, 2025

The Return of Casey Anthony

"Casey Anthony Joins TikTok, Claims She's a 'Legal Advocate' Who Will 'Advocate for My Daughter'
“I am a legal advocate, I am a researcher, I’ve been in the legal field since 2011 and in this capacity, I feel that it’s necessary, if I’m going to continue to operate appropriately as a legal advocate, that I start to advocate for myself and also advocate for my daughter,” Casey said in the video, which is longer than three minutes. (Caylee was Casey's only child.)" 

Source:Christina Randall with a look at Casey Anthony.

From Christina Randall

"Tot Mom Casey Anthony joins TikTok and launches a Substack as a "legal advocate" who will "advocate for my daughter" Caylee. Nancy Grace reacts on new "Crime Stories with Nancy Grace... 

Source:Nancy Grace with the look at Casey Anthony.

From Nancy Grace

As I wrote about this in 2023: 

"Just looking at it from the outside, I think Casey Anthony is guilty of something horrible here, in the death of her daughter Caylee. And it looks like her parents and brother believe that as well. And it might just be she knows what happened to her daughter, but is protecting the person whose actually responsible for the death of her daughter. Which is bad enough, but that alone doesn't make you a murderer. 

My own theory is that that the baby died accidentally, Casey freaked out about that and instead of acting like a mature, responsible, adult (which she's never been) she freaked out and decided to try to cover it up, even though she didn't personally murder her baby, but perhaps didn't want to be blamed for the murder of her baby. 

I believe that Casey is responsible for the accidental death or saw her daughter die, perhaps found her dead, but doesn't know how she died, because there's no absolutely convincing evidence that she murdered her daughter. Just a lot and I mean a truck load (to be clean) of and perhaps just as much circumstantial evidence to suggest that O.J. Simpson murder Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman, just 14 years earlier in 1994... 

My colleague Ederik Schneider will have more about this on Friday, but go back to that Oxygen, pro-Casey Anthony documentary from 2023, she admits to being a liar. Perhaps even a compulsive liar. But then blames her father George for the fact that she's a liar. So you have to know that about her every time she ever speaks about anything, especially something to do with her. 

Now Miss Anthony is claiming to be a "legal advocate" and claiming that she's been in this business since 2011. 2011 is the year she went on trial for the murder of her daughter. She's acquitted in 2013. So I'm just thinking about how she might try to sell this potential venture for herself and I have a few suggestions for her: 

"If you are guilty and know it, I can help you get off. (Perhaps in more ways than 1) Because I got away with it and know how to do that from my own personal experience." 

Another possible sales pitch for Casey Anthony could be and I think this would fit her personal experience better, since we don't know if she killed her daughter or not: 

"If you might be guilty of murder, but are not sure, perhaps you think you are guilty, I can help you with that. Because my daughter was killed in 2008 and I don't know if I killed her or not." 

And this might be the best 1: 

"You don't know if you are guilty of murder. But you feel responsible and guilty for the death of the victim, but you don't want to pay and legal responsibility for that, I can help you get off. (Perhaps in more ways than 1)" 

I don't want to compare Casey Anthony with a serial murderer, simply because she's not one. But watching her talk about anything, is really difficult. Very little, if any real emotion and spontaneity from her. She's seems very calculating and everything she does and says, seems to have the purpose to help herself. 

Just watch the Oxygen doc from 2023 (Where The Truth Lies) and she breaks down and cries maybe 20 different times in that doc. 1 issue: she never sheds any tears. Maybe a few, but most of the time she's crying, she looks like a murder defendant on the witness stand, (perhaps from a TV episode or film) trying to convince the jury that she is sorry, or even innocent of what she's being tried for. 

I believe in American liberal democracy and capitalism and the private market. If she makes a living doing this, I guess more power to her. But before you even consider jumping out of a flying airplane, to parachute down, don't you want to make sure that the parachute will open, before you even consider doing that? 

All I want people to do here is make sure that have all the best available information about Casey Anthony, before they even consider going into business with her and giving her money. She's 38 years old now. But she's still the same person that she was back in 2008: 

Struggles to take any real responsibility for herself. 

Struggles to tell any truth when she's speaking. 

And always looking our for her number 1 (which is herself) regardless of who she has to run over to do that. 

Miss Anthony is the same person now in her late 30s (when she should be a responsible adult) that she was in her early 20s when she just wanted to have fun and enjoy life. You know, not be constrained and forced to take care of her own baby and have to deal with the real responsibilities of adulthood. And she hasn't learned a damn thing about herself since 2008. 

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Senator Elissa Slotkin: Democratic Response to President Trump's Address

"US Senator Elissa Slotkin of Michigan delivers the Democratic Party's response to President Donald Trump's address to a joint session of Congress." 

Source:Bloomberg News with a look at U.S. Senator Elissa Slotkin (Democrat, Michigan)

From Bloomberg

"Hi everyone. I’m Elissa Slotkin. I’m honored to have the opportunity to speak tonight. It’s late — so I promise to be a lot shorter than what you just watched.
I won’t take it personally if you’ve never heard of me. I’m the new senator from the great state of Michigan, where I grew up. I’ve been in public service my entire life, because I happened to be in New York City on 9/11 when the twin towers came down. Before the smoke cleared, I knew I wanted a life in national security.

I was recruited by the CIA and did three tours in Iraq, alongside the military. In between, I worked at the White House under President Bush and President Obama, two very different leaders who both believed that America is exceptional.

You can find that same sense of patriotism here in Wyandotte, Michigan, where I am tonight. It’s a working-class town just south of Detroit. President Trump and I both won here in November. It might not seem like it, but plenty of places like this still exist all across the United States – places where people believe that if you work hard, and play by the rules, you should do well and your kids do better.

It reminds me of how I grew up. My dad was a lifelong Republican, my mom a lifelong Democrat. But it was never a big deal. Because we had shared values that were bigger than any one party... 

From PBS News

As my colleague Fred Schneider pointed out last week: 

"See, whatever you think of what Leigh McGown is proposing here, it's the wrong approach, even if you like what she's proposing. At least the politics of it, even if you agree with her ideas. What she's talking about is proposing an alternative to what House Republicans are trying to jam through the House right now, but seem to be short on votes. 

I'm with James Carville on this: 

When you see your arch-enemy is drowning in the ocean. don't throw them a lifeline. Let them drown. 

When you see your arch enemy's house is on fire and no one is there to do anything about it, don't even offer to spit on the fire, let alone dump your own water on it, or call 911. Just let the house burn down... 

As Fred wrote last Friday: 

"Look, what do left-wing Democrats expect Chuck Schumer and company to do: 

filibuster every piece of legislation that Republicans try to bring to the floor, just to prevent Republicans from passing anything at all? 

Perhaps threaten government shutdowns unless Trump and company gives the Left everything that they want on every issue on every piece of legislation that is brought up? 

Silly question. Of course the left-wing of the Democratic Party expects the Democratic Leadership to do that. 

Maybe they want Hakeem Jeffries to tell all of his 215 members in the House to walk out every time House Republicans bring a bill up to a floor for vote. No maybe there. That's what the Democrats version of the political escaped mental patients (a phrase that was coined by The New Democrat) expects the Democratic Leadership to do for them.

But, just as Leigh McGowan is wrong about Democrats (who are the minority party both in the House & Senate) need to offer alternatives to the bad legislation that Trump and company are bringing up, so is the rest of the left-wing of the Democratic Party is wrong about how the Democrats should act as the opposition. As the great political humorist P.J. O'Rourke said many times: 

"The Republicans are the party that says government doesn't work and then they get elected and prove it... 

As my colleague Derik Schneider wrote yesterday: 

"If RJ Eskow and Sam Rosenthal really want to know why they and the rest of the Socialist-Left (not progressive) are always on the outside looking in (including left-wing Democrats) and why mainstream Democrats (the real Liberals and Progressives) are always in charge of the party and why leftists are always trying get the Democratic Party move into a more left direction, they need to look into their own political mirrors.

You want to know why Hakeem Jeffries leads the House Democrats and not Alexandria O. Cortez or Al Green, or some other Democratic Socialist in the House... I'll tell you anyway: because the Democrats aren't a left-wing party in America. They have 215 seats in the House. Maybe 80 of those are Democratic Socialists, whether you are talking about dues paying members of Democratic Socialists of America, or people who are just inline with the Socialists ideologically, but aren't ready to be card-carrying members yet. 

And if you look at Chuck Schumer in the Senate.... the same thing. He's the leader of the Democrats instead of let's say Elizabeth Warren, because the overwhelmingly majority of the Senate Democratic Caucus is center-left and in some cases center-right, like the JFK New Democrats. But they're not Democratic leftists. 

Right now Republicans are proving to the American people that their form of government doesn't work... 

Senator Elissa Slotkin laid out the game plan last night for how Democrats, not just in Congress, but at the DNC level, the state level, as well as the activist level. need to act as the opposition party. 

What Senator Slotkin (Democrat, Michigan) said last night is inline with what Fred was talking about last week: 

The Democratic Party shouldn't be acting like some shadow opposition party where they offer their own alternatives to every piece of bad legislation that Congressional Republicans bring up, or an unlawful, unconstitutional executive order that President Trump signs. 

Or, instead to go to what James Carville was talking about last week: Democrats shouldn't become the obstructionist party (which is basically what the left-wing of the party wants them to be) but instead let the people see who bad Republicans are at governing, especially when they have all the power. 

And what Senator Slotkin was doing was to layout how Democrats can come back and have a big year in 2026. Democrats should continue to not just say that Donald Trump is a bad President (3 things that you need to know that Donald Trump is a bad POTUS: brain, eyes, and ears) but factually describe why he's a bad President and why he needs a real check on his goal to have absolute power: 

The cost of living is now more expensive than when he became President 

Economic and job growth have slowed since he became President

Crime and plane crashes and accidents are up under President Trump's watch. 

And she did it while trying to speak to both partisan Democrats that want the party to fight back, but also to Independents, as well as blue-collar Democrats who voted for Donald Trump. Here's part of her speech: 

"Because whether you’re in Wyandotte or Wichita, most Americans share three core beliefs: That the Middle Class is the engine of our country. That strong national security protects us from harm. And that our democracy, no matter how messy, is unparalleled and worth fighting for.

Let’s start with the economy.

Michigan literally invented the Middle Class: the revolutionary idea that you could work at an auto plant and afford the car you were building. That’s the American Dream. And in order to expand and protect the Middle Class, we have to do a few, basic things:

We need to bring down the price of things we spend the most money on: Groceries. Housing. Healthcare. Your car.

We need to make more things in America with good-paying, union jobs — and bring our supply chains back home from places like China.

We need to give American businesses the certainty they need to invest and create the jobs of the future.

And we need a tax system that’s fair for people who don’t happen to make a billion dollars.

Look, President Trump talked a big game on the economy, but it’s always important to read the fine print. So: do his plans actually help Americans get ahead?

Not even close. 

President Trump is trying to deliver an unprecedented giveaway to his billionaire friends. He’s on the hunt to find trillions of dollars to pass along to the wealthiest in America. And to do that, he’s going to make you pay in every part of your life.

Grocery and home prices are going up, not down — and he hasn’t laid out a credible plan to deal with either.

His tariffs on allies like Canada will raise prices on energy, lumber, cars — and start a trade war that will hurt manufacturing and farmers.

Your premiums and prescriptions will cost more because the math on his proposals doesn’t work without going after your health care.

Meanwhile, for those keeping score, the national debt is going up, not down. And if he’s not careful, he could walk us right into a recession.

And one more thing: In order to pay for his plan, he could very well come after your retirement – the Social Security, Medicare, and VA benefits you worked your whole life to earn. The President claims he won’t, but Elon Musk just called Social Security “the biggest Ponzi scheme of all time... 

A much very different approach to what Representative Al Green was doing last night in the House chamber by trying to heckle the President as the President was speaking. You know, I keep wondering why Al Green is not the House Democratic Leader. But I think he gave us a good clue last night. 

So going forward for Democrats to get back into power and perhaps not just win the House back or win a governorship in a blue state or purple state or 2, but perhaps even win back the Senate (where they would need to pick up 4 seats) and give the American people a Democratic Congress again, I think both James Carville and Elissa Slotksin have given them the roadmap: 

Don’t try to save the Republican Party from itself and become the obstructionist party just to obstruct them. If the Republican Party is really hell-bent on committing political suicide, let them to that to themselves. Let the American people see how bad they are at governing and why Republicans shouldn’t be allowed going forward to have The White House and complete control of Congress 2 years from now.

Democrats should explain to people why these Republican policies and their form of government is bad for them. And make it clear that the Democrats learned the lessons from 2024 and that they have to represent middle class Americans again. And that if they're given a chance to govern again, the middle class will become their top priority again. 

This is how Democrats would go from trying to win elections by just holding the so-called blue wall states and all of the deep blue states, to a party that can compete and win in North Carolina, Georgia, Iowa, Nevada, and perhaps a few other Republican states, by becoming a middle class party, instead of just a blue wall and deep blue party. 

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Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Ron Paul: What's On Your Bingo Card For Donald Trump's 'State Of The Union' Speech?

"President Trump is set to address a joint session of Congress tonight. Where will he focus? Where should he focus? Economy? Tariffs? Inflation? DOGE?" 

Source:WTAJ with a President Donald J. Trump (MAGA, Florida) 47th President of the United States & 1st wannabe dictator.

From the Ron Paul Liberty Report

This is from Dr. Ron Paul directly: "The President is going to talk about how the union is doing. But I keep thinking the union implies some good intentions, but I keep thinking. But what I really want to hear the state of the republic. Do we have a republic or an authoritarian government. Most people have in a union a lot of authoritarian things... interventionism and uh... but... 

When Libertarians or even old school Conservatives, (or Classical Conservatives) talk about what they would call a "free society", they're talking about a republic. But just like they're all types of cars, planes, etc, there all types of countries and even republics:

Russia is a republic. They call themselves the Russian Federation. So I guess 1 could call them a federation of republics. But under their Constitution, they are a federal republic. 

China is a republic: The People's Republic of China. But anyone who is familiar with China and communism, knows that China is a Communist Republic. By far not just the most successful communist republic in the world, but the most successful authoritarian republic in the world as well. 

Iran calls themselves the Islamic Republic of Iran. 

My point here is it depends of what type of republic you are talking about. Republic itself doesn't guarantee a free society or not: 

What type of government (whether it's a republic or something else) 

How your constitution is enforced 

Do you have the rule of law or not 

Do you have guaranteed constitutional rights, or not 

Separation of powers, or not, 

Does your military and law enforcement, your Department or Ministry of Justice believe in a free society, or not, and same thing with your courts 

And do your people even want a free society and by-en-large elect people who want a free society or not... all these factors will determine whether or not your country will be a free society or not. 

The republics that I mentioned in the beginning.... no one outside of those countries (except perhaps in MAGA Land) would tell you that Russia, China, and Iran, are free societies. But they're all republics. 

As far as President Trump's speech tonight: I know the far-left (or crazy left) will hate hearing this, but Congressional Democrats don't need any Marjorie T. Greene or Lauren Boebert, professional impersonators tonight. I hate to break it to anyone who is new to America, but the state of the union speech is not a Real Housewives episode. It’s a serious event and part of our Constitution. I know with a lot of the political events of the last 10 years, America might just look like the latest hit, “reality TV show”. But government is supposed to be serious, at least. Leave the political Real Housewives to MAGA.

The state of the union speech is a very serious speech. My advice for House and Senate Democrats is to listen to the speech make any negative facial or physical expressions that you want (hopefully something humorous) let's say short of flipping the bird, or standing up and cussing him out and yelling. He's going to give a bad speech. Why not just sit there and look bored, while House MAGA flips out and goes crazy over it, like they're at a Nazi Party rally or something. 

Congressional Democrats should show the American people that even though the Democratic Party is both the opposition, as well as minority party right now, they're still the political adults in the room. Or at least in the House chamber. And the voters simply made a really bad choice to either vote for MAGA, or not bothering to vote at all. 

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RJ Eskow & Sam Rosenthal: Democrats VS. The Democratic Left

"Sam Rosenthal is the Political Director of Roots Action. is an organizer and researcher based in Washington, DC. Sam previously served as the political director at Our Revolution and in elected leadership with Central Brooklyn Democratic Socialists of America." 

Source:The Zero Hour With RJ Eskow with a look at U.S. House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (Democrat, Brooklyn New York)

From The Zero Hour With RJ Eskow

As my colleague Fred Schneider wrote about this last week: 

"See, whatever you think of what Leigh McGown is proposing here, it's the wrong approach, even if you like what she's proposing. At least the politics of it, even if you agree with her ideas. What she's talking about is proposing an alternative to what House Republicans are trying to jam through the House right now, but seem to be short on votes. 

I'm with James Carville on this: 

When you see your arch-enemy is drowning in the ocean. don't throw them a lifeline. Let them drown. 

When you see your arch enemy's house is on fire and no one is there to do anything about it, don't even offer to spit on the fire, let alone dump your own water on it, or call 911. Just let the house burn down... 

As Fred wrote last Friday: 

"Look, what do left-wing Democrats expect Chuck Schumer and company to do: 

filibuster every piece of legislation that Republicans try to bring to the floor, just to prevent Republicans from passing anything at all? 

Perhaps threaten government shutdowns unless Trump and company gives the Left everything that they want on every issue on every piece of legislation that is brought up? 

Silly question. Of course the left-wing of the Democratic Party expects the Democratic Leadership to do that. 

Maybe they want Hakeem Jeffries to tell all of his 215 members in the House to walk out every time House Republicans bring a bill up to a floor for vote. No maybe there. That's what the Democrats version of the political escaped mental patients (a phrase that was coined by The New Democrat) expects the Democratic Leadership to do for them.

But, just as Leigh McGowan is wrong about Democrats (who are the minority party both in the House & Senate) need to offer alternatives to the bad legislation that Trump and company are bringing up, so is the rest of the left-wing of the Democratic Party is wrong about how the Democrats should act as the opposition. As the great political humorist P.J. O'Rourke said many times... 

If RJ Eskow and Sam Rosenthal really want to know why they and the rest of the Socialist-Left (not progressive) are always on the outside looking in (including left-wing Democrats) and why mainstream Democrats (the real Liberals and Progressives) are always in charge of the party and why leftists are always trying get the Democratic Party move into a more left direction, they need to look into their own political mirrors.

You want to know why Hakeem Jeffries leads the House Democrats and not Alexandria O. Cortez or Al Green, or some other Democratic Socialist in the House... I'll tell you anyway: because the Democrats aren't a left-wing party in America. They have 215 seats in the House. Maybe 80 of those are Democratic Socialists, whether you are talking about dues paying members of Democratic Socialists of America, or people who are just inline with the Socialists ideologically, but aren't ready to be card-carrying members yet. 

And if you look at Chuck Schumer in the Senate.... the same thing. He's the leader of the Democrats instead of let's say Elizabeth Warren, because the overwhelmingly majority of the Senate Democratic Caucus is center-left and in some cases center-right, like the JFK New Democrats. But they're not Democratic leftists. 

Right now Republicans are proving to the American people that their form of government doesn't work:

The cost of living is now more expensive than it was under Joe Biden. 

Donald Trump's own voters in West Virginia, North Carolina and other Trump states are losing their disaster relief because the President is refusing to give it to them. 

The Justice Department is firing and laying off prosecutors and law enforcement agents, while crime is up. 

While air plane crashes are up, the Federal Aviation Administration is laying off air traffic controllers. 

And I could get into all the dictatorial moves that the President has been making and will continue to make in oder to centralize more government power with himself. But I don't want to put too many of my readers to sleep on this. 

So while Donald Trump and MAGA are screwing up the country and screwing over their own voters, you have these left-wing Democrats who want to be the faces of the Democratic Party and essentially tell swing voters and Republican voters who don't like Donald Trump and MAGA:

"Hey, you may think they're incompetent and crazy, but you should look at us as well. We got into political debates at the same nuthouse that MAGA was at before Donald Trump pardoned them and brought them into his administration". 

And instead of letting the Democratic Leadership just talk about how bad Donald Trump and MAGA are, the Socialist-Left in America wants to become the issue in America and have Democrats promote their crazy politics of: 

Cutting off Israel and perhaps Ukraine as well

Nationalizing health care and health insurance and perhaps banking and energy as well.

Defunding the police

They're tell people it's not murder when it's a CEO who is killed. And Democrats should be defending Luigi Mangione, instead arguing he's getting what he deserves. 

The reason why the so-called democratic-left (even though some of them are actually Communists, at least ideologically) is on the outside looking in of the Democratic Leadership and broader Democratic Party, is because they're not popular within the Democratic Party. And if these folks ran Green Party, they would struggle to get 5-10% of the vote in the general election. 

Right now it's MAGA that is screwing up America. Donald Trump and MAGA are what American voters don't seem to like or trust government. Let's not give them another reason not to trust and like government by trying to prove that Democrats are just as crazy and incompetent as President Trump and MAGA. 

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John F. Kennedy Liberal Democrat

John F. Kennedy Liberal Democrat
Source: U.S. Senator John F. Kennedy in 1960