Sunday, December 17, 2017

Michael Vermeylen: 'Hollywood Communists- Hollywood on Trial'

Source:Michael Vermeylen- Hollywood writer Dalton Trumbo.
"Combining familiar newsreel footage with freshly shot material, David Helpern's Hollywood on Trial is a documentary concerning the "communist witch-hunt" era. In the years following World War II, several ambitious Washington politicos were anxious to dissipate the last traces of Roosevelt's New Deal, and in so doing labelled virtually everything hinting of liberalism as communistic.

These cynical crusaders couldn't make the headlines if they merely concentrated on such "radicals" as college professors and pamphleteers, so they targeted the most public industry of all: Motion Pictures. That's why the House UnAmerican Activities Committee conducted one-sided "investigations" of the Hollywood Left, and that's why so many actors, writers and directors found themselves on the Blacklist that no producer would ever admit existed.

Most of Hollywood on Trial concerns itself with the misadventures of the "Hollywood Ten," a group of writers and directors who refused to answer the committee's questions and wound up in jail as a result. John Huston, himself briefly under scrutiny from the HUAC for being "unfriendly," narrates this surprisingly objective, multi-viewpointed film. ~ Hal Erickson, Rovi"  

My whole problem and issue with the so-called Communists in Hollywood investigation that Congress investigated in the 1940s first in the House and later in the Senate in the 1950s, is that it was hypocritical and violated most of the individual rights that Americans love and cherish and that so-called Conservatives back then said they cherished as well which was our individualism, free expression, free speech, free assembly, the right for Americans to believe what they want and to practice their own politics as they please. Whether they were Far-Left Communists and Socialists that believed America was the real Evil Empire and Russia as misunderstood. Or Far-Right Neo-Confederate Nationalists who saw African-Americans and other non-Europeans as animals.

You had these Far-Right Republicans in the House of Representatives and Neo-Confederate Democrats especially, who saw even the belief in communism and people having communist beliefs as some threat to American and Western civilization, that even having Communists in America at all even as private citizens with no foreign government connections and people who just had communist beliefs, would somehow destroy America.

And saw Communist Americans who again only had those political beliefs as people who don't have the same constitutional and individual rights as people who believe African-Americans aren't real Americans and therefor underserving of the same rights as European-Americans. You literally had right-wing racists believing that Communists who weren't bigots, weren't real Americans and therefor should be put in jail simply for their political beliefs.

You have political correctness on the Far-Left and some of that comes from Communists or people with communist leanings at least who believe they know best how every American should think and what they should believe. And believe any humor and criticism of racial and ethnic, as well as religious minorities is bigoted and therefore should be censored even though law even if the humor and criticism is accurate.

But you also have political correctness on the Far-Right in America coming from the Christian-Right as well as Nationalist-Right or Alt-Right, who believe they the real Americans because of what they think and how they live and believe anyone who looks at the world differently are Un-American and therefor do not deserve the same rights as these supposed real Americans. And the so-called House Un-American Activities Committee was a big part of that.

The only Un-American thing about HUAC ( House Un-American Activities Committee) was the committee itself. They should've been investigating themselves for being Un-American. The House should have created another select committee to investigate the Un-American activities of UUAC.

Because in America we have a guaranteed right to free speech under the First Amendment. That cover the freedom to practice any religion or no religion at all. The right to believe what we want, to associate with who we want short of known criminals, and the right to say what we want short of falsely libeling people or harassing people, inciting violence. And the so-called HUAC committee violated most if not all of our First Amendment rights and should have never been put together. 

My whole problem and issue with the so-called Communists in Hollywood investigation that Congress investigated in the 1940s first in the House and later in the Senate in the 1950s, is that it was hypocritical and violated most of the individual rights that Americans love and cherish and that so-called Conservatives back then said they cherished as well which was our individualism, free expression, free speech, free assembly, the right for Americans to believe what they want and to practice their own politics as they please. Whether they were Far-Left Communists and Socialists that believed America was the real Evil Empire and Russia as misunderstood. Or Far-Right Neo-Confederate Nationalists who saw African-Americans and other non-Europeans as animals.

You had these Far-Right Republicans in the House of Representatives and Neo-Confederate Democrats especially, who saw even the belief in communism and people having communist beliefs as some threat to American and Western civilization, that even having Communists in America at all even as private citizens with no foreign government connections and people who just had communist beliefs, would somehow destroy America.

And saw Communist Americans who again only had those political beliefs as people who don't have the same constitutional and individual rights as people who believe African-Americans aren't real Americans and therefor underserving of the same rights as European-Americans. You literally had right-wing racists believing that Communists who weren't bigots, weren't real Americans and therefor should be put in jail simply for their political beliefs.

You have political correctness on the Far-Left and some of that comes from Communists or people with communist leanings at least who believe they know best how every American should think and what they should believe. And believe any humor and criticism of racial and ethnic, as well as religious minorities is bigoted and therefore should be censored even though law even if the humor and criticism is accurate.

But you also have political correctness on the Far-Right in America coming from the Christian-Right as well as Nationalist-Right or Alt-Right, who believe they the real Americans because of what they think and how they live and believe anyone who looks at the world differently are Un-American and therefor do not deserve the same rights as these supposed real Americans. And the so-called House Un-American Activities Committee was a big part of that.

The only Un-American thing about HUAC ( House Un-American Activities Committee) was the committee itself. They should've been investigating themselves for being Un-American. The House should have created another select committee to investigate the Un-American activities of UUAC.

Because in America we have a guaranteed right to free speech under the First Amendment. That cover the freedom to practice any religion or no religion at all. The right to believe what we want, to associate with who we want short of known criminals, and the right to say what we want short of falsely libeling people or harassing people, inciting violence. And the so-called HUAC committee violated most if not all of our First Amendment rights and should have never been put together.

You can also see this post at The Daily View, on WordPress.

Friday, December 15, 2017

Connor Higgins: 'George Wallace's Life in 16 Minutes'

Source:Connor Higgins- Governor George C. Wallace (Democrat, Alabama)
“ADDENDUM – PLEASE READ: This video is very flawed. While I do stand by the factual accuracy of everything stated here, my presentation downplays George Wallace’s racism to a degree I am very uncomfortable with. I made this video in 8th grade (it was essentially a repackaged school project) so my analysis really lacked nuance. I’d like to clear a few things up and set the record straight.”

From Connor Higgins

Was George Wallace a racist, or a demagogic career politician, or perhaps both things? Well, the same question could be asked about Donald Trump and Patrick Buchanan, unfortunately. One of those men being the current President of the United States.

Or, was George Wallace a Progressive: he was a big believer in education and even public education and infrastructure investment. Wallace envisioned Alabama as becoming state that would be less poor and rural that could move past its reputation as being a redneck, backwoods, ignorant, state that expected Jesus to solve all their problems for them and instead have Alabamians go out and solve their own problems for themselves starting with a good education and a modern infrastructure system.

You could also debate whether George Wallace was a Progressive or a Conservative. He was a Federalist and a true believer in states rights even to the point that he believed Bible States could deny African-Americans access that Caucasians had simply because of race.

Franklin Roosevelt was a true Progressive, but he wasn’t that far to the left of George Wallace on civil rights issues. They both opposed civil rights laws. But they both believed in a strong safety net, public education, infrastructure investment, strong national defense, both were strong anti-Communists. George Wallace’s politics was pretty complicated similar to Richard Nixon and now Donald Trump.

But you can’t put Wallace in one box as a Conservative or a Liberal, because he was neither. You could call him a Progressive because Progressive is actually different from Liberal. One focusing on progress through government action. The other centered around individual rights.

As far as Dixiecrats or right-wing Democrats: George Wallace was to the left of many of his fellow Dixiecrats on economic policy and believed again in public education, public infrastructure, progress, and even raising taxes to promote these objectives. Dixiecrats back then not only opposed civil and equal rights, but opposed public safety net programs and were more libertarian on economic policy.

George Wallace changed his stances on civil rights issues by the late 1970s and became a believer (at least officially) in not just civil rights but equal rights while retaining his progressive leanings on economic policy and still remaining a strong anti-Communist, as well as Federalist, and believer in a strong national defense.

Governor Wallace was to the right of Teddy Kennedy, but to the left of Strom Thurmond and many if not all of his fellow Dixiecrats. Which is why neither the liberal or conservative labels, fit George Wallace’s politics. Which makes him very similar to Richard Nixon. 

You can also see this post on WordPress.

You can also see this post at The Daily Times, on WordPress.

Thursday, December 14, 2017

A Spoon Full of Paulo: Intimate Interview With Marsha Mason

Source: A Spoon Ful of Paulo-
Source:A Spoon Full of Paulo

When I think of Marsha Mason I think of that smile and laugh. She's so freakin cute and silly, reminds me of Dyan Cannon at least in that sense. So, if I were talking to her I would do anything I could to get her to either laugh or smile so I could see her doing those things and then give her a big hug and yell out, "you're so cute! Because that is exactly what she is just flat out adorable and silly and at times like a little girl.

As far as Marsha Mason as an actress, she's very good if not great and very versatile. Love her in romantic comedies like the Goodbye Girl, but she's also great in dramatic roles like Heartbreak Ridge with Clint Eastwood, but Heartbreak Ridge is also a very funny movie as well. Its basically a action/comedy or at least dramatic/comedy dealing with serious issues obviously being about the U.S. Marine Core. And it also has very funny people in it including Clint, but Marsha, Mario Van Peebles and others.

She's an actress who I think was born for dramatic comedy and Chapter Two with James Cann is another example of that where that movie gets very cold and dramatic with the Jimmy Cann character, but she's so good in it in trying to bring back this widower that she just married out of his shell and getting him to open up to her and is pretty funny in how she expresses her honest anger at him for shutting her out mentally, because he's still stuck on his beautiful but dead wife.

Chapter Two that also had Valerie Harper and Joe Bologna, is a great funny look at romance in life and how early middle age Americans in New York deal with failed and failing marriages and trying to start over in life. A perfect role for Marsha because you get to see her great dramatic as well as comedic abilities in that movie. The same thing with Jimmy Cann as well. Who plays a great wiseass in that movie, at least when he's not depressed.

Marsha Mason is still this beautiful adorable actress, but has always been that good. But she's always been a great dramatic/comedic actress similar to Joan Collins, Elizabeth Taylor, Lana Turner, Ava Gardner, Raquel Welch. She's really this great and if you see this interview she see how silly and adorable she is and if I was interviewing her in this piece I would have swamped her with charm and humor as well, just to see those big adorable cheeks and to see her laugh and be silly. She's someone who is a lot of fun and great to look at, but one of the best actresses we seen in a long time.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Reason Magazine: Andrew Heaton: '13 Non-Pedophile Reasons You Can Hate Roy Moore'

Source:Reason Magazine- Alabama Judge Roy Moore and this guy. I prefer this guy.
"Even if you disregard the nine women accusing Roy Moore of sexual assault, there are plenty of reasons to despise him." 

Source:Reason Magazine 

Just to be clear, I don't hate anyone that I don't personally know. Other than Adolph Hitler and murderous racist tyrants like that. And Roy Moore is obviously a bad guy and not particularly bright apparently and how he ever got a law degree I believe deserves an investigation into the school that he graduated from. I mean, here's a man who doesn't even believe in the U.S. Constitution and yet somehow becomes a judge in America. You would think even Alabama would want judges who believe in the U.S. Constitution.

Roy Moore is a man who claims to be a fundamentalist Evangelical Christian and yet he can't even accurately quote or interpret the Bible. Claiming that homosexuality is not only a sin, but that people who could be arrested if caught doing homosexuality activity. Saying that is what God would want. Even though Roy Moore as never even met, heard or read anything that this supposed God has ever said. Which would put him in club of roughly 320 million members and that is just in America alone. The American club for people who've never met, talked to, or has read anything that God has ever said is so full and not big enough for the entire world of people who've never met, talked to, or has read anything that God has ever said. And yet Roy Moore who puts his fundamentalist, made up frankly interpretation of the Bible, over the U.S. Constitution.

Can't label Roy Moore a so-called Constitutional Conservative either or big believer in rule of law. But only because he isn't and doesn't believe in rule of law. Not because I'm putting the man down or something, or at least anymore than he deserves. Because Moore only believes in enforcing laws that he believes in and agrees with. Which is a Christmas gift from Santa Clause to every Anarchist who has ever lived. 

Imagine if everyone else and not just Roy Moore only had to follow laws that they agree with. You don't think there would be some spike in crime do you? And and far as Constitutional Conservative. Roy Moore being quoted as believing in eliminating only half of our constitutional amendments going from 11-20. Including the amendment that eliminated slavery. Where's the constitutional conservatism there? That is not conserving, but eliminating.

How about church and state: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise of thereof. Well, it's a good thing that Roy Moore won't be going to Congress now for lots of reasons, but a big one being that he doesn't believe in the separation of church and state. And perhaps would work as a senator to try to disobey the First Amendment, because again he doesn't agree with it, so he doesn't believe he should have to follow it. Roy Moore is the classic case of not ready for prime time and represents someone who simply doesn't have the judgment and knowledge to be serving in public office, at least not Federal office.

I realize its easy to put down and critique someone who just lost a huge Senate seat in the state of Alabama, who also just happens to be a Republican and being the first Republican to lose an Alabama Senate seat in a generation and this these are embarrassing enough for even a so-called Republican who doesn't even believe in the republic and yet he calls himself a Republican, which I guess is a different story. 

Roy Moore is a Christian-Theocrat ideologically, not a Conservative Republican or Constitutional Conservative, which is actually very different. But Roy Moore should be the lesson and example of what not to do and be if you're a Republican and even a Bible Belt Republican and a lesson for the Republican Party even in the Bible Belt. And if they learn this lesson they can avoid further embarrassments in the future. 

You can also see this post at FreeState Now, on Blogger.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

The Real News: Paul Jay Interviewing Peter Kuznick- Undoing The New Deal: The 1944 Coup Against Vice President Henry Wallace

Source: The Real News-
Source:The Real News

The division between in the Democratic Party between the Hillary Clinton, even though I don't believe she's that strong of a Democratic leader anymore, but her New Democratic Theodore Roosevelt progressive wing of the party and the Bernie Sanders social democratic wing of Social Democrats/Democratic Socialists, is not new. Which might be the only thing that I agree with Paul Jay and Peter Kuznick on.

There were Socialists in the Democratic Party in the 1930s and the 1940s which was a Dixiecrat party with some Northern Progressives led by Franklin Roosevelt, but there were people even further left than FDR and his wing of the Democratic Party led by Democratic Socialist Henry Wallace who was President Roosevelt's Vice President from 1941-45. But there were also Neo-Confederate right-wing Dixiecrat Democrats who represented the Bible Belt South of the Democratic Party. That fought against desegregation, civil rights laws, and even the New Deal, but supported President Roosevelt's liberal internationalist anti-Communist foreign policy.

The extremely unfortunate assassination of President John Kennedy, is where you see the Democratic Party change. The Democratic Party up until the 1980s or so was never a pure left-wing party that was dominated by Social Democrats. They always had a Far-Left which was made up of Socialists, but they also had a Center-Left of JFK Liberal Democrats and the FDR Progressives. And I mean liberal and progressive both in the classical and real sense. Not the stereotypical sense of someone who believes in big government across the board and doesn't believe in national defense or law enforcement and sees individualism and freedom as dangerous. But liberal and progressive in the sense as people who believe in individual rights, equal rights, and progress.

The 1960s and 1970s is where you see the old Henry Wallace New-Left Socialist wing of the Democratic Party come to life. Thanks to the Baby Boomers growing up and becoming very politically active. And they were so powerful in the Democratic Party in the late 1960s and early 1970s that Senator George McGovern (the Bernie Sanders Democratic Socialist of his generation) wins the Democratic Party presidential nomination. Gets trounced by President Richard Nixon, but that is only because there weren't a lot of Socialists in America back in the early 1970s.

The Democratic Party is exactly that. People who believe in democracy. In some cases that means liberal democracy, the JFK Liberal Democrats which is the wing of the party I'm from. But you also have Democrats who believe in social democracy and democratic socialism. Which is the wing that Bernie Sanders now leads, that Henry Wallace led in the 1940s and George McGovern led in the 1970s. But the Democratic Party has never been a purely liberal democratic party or social democratic party and pre-1960s or so the Democratic Party was a Dixiecrat Neo-Confederate party. Which is one reason why the Democratic Party has always been fairly divided. 

Monday, December 11, 2017

Marilyn Monroe: Mysteries & Scandals (1998)

Source:Classic Hollywood Central- this is from a Mysteries and Scandals documentary about Hollywood Babydoll Marilyn Monroe.
“Hey, guys! I’m kind of addicted to a series on here called “Mysteries and Scandals” that aired on E! from 1998-2001. I thought the music used in the series was extremely beautiful and I went on the hunt for the instrumental pieces and found a lot of them. I decided to make a series based on this called “Mysteries and Scandals Music”. The piece in this video is not used in a particular episode, but it’s just as beautiful as the music that is. The title is “Marilyn” and the artist is Percy Faith. I do not own any of the material presented here. Thanks for watching :)”

"E! Mysteries & Scandals: Marilyn Monroe (1998)

Noreen Siegel (Monroe's doctor's wife), Jeanne Carmen (actress), James Spada (biographer), Jack Clemmons (cop on scene), James Haspiel (author), Evelyn Moriarty (friend) and Dr. John Miner are interviewed about the mysterious death of Marilyn Monroe.

Monroe's entire life was nothing but mysteries and scandals so her acting career isn't even discussed here because the main focus is her controversial death and the various theories surrounding it. Was it a suicide? Accidental overdose? Were the Kennedy's involved? Or perhaps the maid? Each of these theories are discussed and we get interviews with a cop who was first on the scene of her death as well as several of Monroe's friends. This is certainly one of the better episodes in the series simply because Monroe's death was just so bizarre that it opens up a can of worms in regards to the theories as to what happened. If you're a fan of the series you'll certainly enjoy the episode...  


"The Mystery of Marilyn Monroe and her death on August 4th 1962." 

Source:Marilyn Monroe History- Hollywood Babydoll Marilyn Monroe. 

I don't believe there is much if any mystery to the death of Marilyn Monroe. Hate to break it to the people who have to believe that there was some suspicious Hollywood like scandal involving the death of one of their Hollywood icons and celebrities. People who believe that John F. Kennedy had ordered the death of Marilyn and perhaps had her pint-size brother Bobby commit the murder himself. The same people who perhaps believe that Lyndon Johnson ordered the death of President Kennedy. Maybe they also believe that LBJ ordered the death of JFK because he wanted Marilyn for himself.

But thats an issue with conspiracy theories they tend not to have a lot of intelligence and reasoning behind him. And tend to be put together by people who simply have too much time on their hands or have a tough time dealing with the real world what the rest of us call Planet Earth and they escape to the planet of Fantasyland where they simply see things that no one else can. And not because they have even better than 20/20 vision or borrowed Superman's supervision. But because they see things that simply don't exist. Their bodies might be on Earth but their minds are on Fantasyland.

You could argue suicide and not sound like someone who just escaped from a mental institution. Marilyn Monroe did have a history of depression and lacked self-confidence. Here's a woman who was 5'5-5'6 who had a great body who cill fill out denim jeans and tight dresses and skirts as well or better than any woman who has ever lived, who had a beautiful body obviously. 

Marilyn was ta hot, baby-faced, adorable woman with a little girls' personality to match her baby face and yet you have this beautiful hot Los Angeles August Saturday night and she's home alone in her big house. With only her maid as far as any possible company. Which I believe could back any possible suicide theory . Why is this Hollywood goddess home alone on this gorgeous summer Saturday night?

55 years later I still believe the best theory to how and why Marilyn Monroe died during the summer of 1962 was an overdose. Again, she had a history of depression, was a borderline alcoholic if not an alcoholic and was addicted to pain killers. A lot of those pills dealing with the depression that she had. 

I'm not arguing suicide but when you're drunk you tend to do a lot of stupid things unintentionally. (Not that I'm speaking from personal experience) Especially if you get drunk on a regular basis.

And its very believable that she simply not just drank too much that night but even after having all of that alcohol still wasn't feeling very well and decided that she needed something else to make her feel better. So she turns to pills. Pills and alcohol together, is like fire and gas together: you only put those things together when you want a big explosion. 

So Marilyn is drinking too much and then taking not just pills but too many pills and I still believe the best theory is that she unintentionally overdosed which is what killed her and that she unintentionally killed herself.

People who are going to argue that someone murdered someone else need a better theory than the supposed target has dirt on them that they're about to release which is why the supposed suspect or suspects had their target murdered. You need to at least be able to put a suspect at the place where the supposed target was murdered at the time or about the time that the target died. 

Again, people who believe that both Jack and Bob Kennedy were involved the death of Marilyn Monroe, perhaps also believe that Lyndon Johnson ordered the death of Jack Kennedy. Lyndon just happening to be the Vice President of the United States when he supposedly had President Kennedy murdered. The same evidence to offer LBJ being behind the death of JFK, is the same evidence that has been offered to support JFK and RFK, being behind the death of Marilyn Monroe: which is nothing.   

You can also see this post on WordPress.

You can also see this post at FRS FreeState, on WordPress. 

You can also see this post at FRS FreeState, on Blogger.

Saturday, December 9, 2017

BBC Newsnight: Emily Maitlis- Interviewing Kurt Anderson: 'Donald Trump and Fantasyland'

Source: BBC News- Kurt Anderson, being interviewed by BBC News, in Washington.
“When Donald Trump won the US presidential election in 2016, Kurt Anderson was halfway through a book that he would title Fantasyland. It put the birth of fake news and false claims into a wider historical context. Kurt Anderson argues America has long been a place where renegades and freaks came in search of freedom to create their own realities. Emily Maitlis spoke to him in Washington.” 

From BBC Newsnight

Donald Trump and Fantasyland? Donald Trump is Fantasyland! Donald Trump is the President of Fantasyland! The United Donald of Fantasyland is the country that he presides over where facts don’t matter and even exist. “If Donald Trump says it, it must be true.” According the citizens of Fantasyland which is a fairly big country. Roughly 60 million people give or take voted for Donald Trump for President in 2016. If there was an amusement park called Fantasyland, Donald Trump would run the place. Well, he would probably just own it and instead hire someone who knows what they’re doing run the place for him instead.

About 46% of the vote, voted for Donald Trump for President. Not talking about Lebanon or some other country that might have an authoritarian government but is so small as well as poor that it doesn’t represent much if any threat to even its neighbors, let alone people around the world.

Fantasyland is a country where everything that Donald Trump says especially about himself, of course is true. Because again we’re talking about Fantasyland where everyday is a marijuana high. Where facts don’t matter. If Donald Trump had to operate in the real world, take Planet Earth to use as an example, he would fail miserably because he would have to deal with truth all the time. Which is generally bad about him because lack basic human values: Like commonsense, maturity, character, decency, and unfortunately I could go on but I’ll spare you.

Albert Einstein once said about the truth that: “whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters.” Donald Trump is a man who can’t even admit the simplest mistakes that he’s made in life. Like falling asleep one night on his phone when he was in the middle of tweeting something around 2AM. Or claiming that he had the largest crowd size ever for a presidential inauguration with the National Park Service, that was only in charge of the event contradicting the President of the United States hours later.

Donald Trump simply a man because of lack of knowledge as well as honesty, who mentally doesn’t operate in the real world. Says and sees things about himself and others that simply aren’t there. In some cases he’s simply lying, which of course is not uncommon with politicians, but in other cases he simply doesn’t know any better.

When you lose touch with reality or simply deny it and Donald Trump who is only the President of the United States unfortunately qualifies on both scores, you can’t be trusted. Because you’re dishonest and irresponsible. Anyone who trusts a dishonest person is asking to be screwed by that person: “I’m an idiot because I trust you, do your worst to me.” And the same goes with an irresponsible man who sees pigs flying in the air, three-million Americans voting illegally with absolutely no evidence to back that up.

I don’t enjoy saying these things about the President of the United States and have never been this harsh about any President including President Richard Nixon. But to quote Khaled Hosseini: “better to get hurt by the truth, than comforted with a lie.” The only way people can self-improve is to first know where they’re at fault. The only way Donald Trump could ever become an even decent President is to operate in the real world. And stop making things up and seeing things that simply don’t exist.

You can also see this post at The Daily View, on WordPress.

Friday, December 8, 2017

Politics and Prose: Alec Baldwin & Kurt Anderson- Alec Baldwin: As Donald Trump

Source:Politics and Prose- Actor/comedian Alec Baldwin, as President Donald Trump.
"Alec Baldwin reads, in character as Donald Trump, from his book with Kurt Andersen ” You Can’t Spell America Without ME”

From Politics and Prose

If there is one thing that you can give Donald Trump credit for as far as the strength of the American economy, it’s all the jobs that have been created in the comedy industry simply because of The Donald and his crazy narcissistic irresponsible behavior.

George W. Bush, was great for comedy. Bill Clinton, was great for comedy. Ronald Reagan was great for comedy. Jimmy Carter was great for comedy. But they are all minor players as far as their affects on the comedy industry, in comparison to Donald Trump. They would be like the Toledo Mud Hens in comparison to the Detroit Tigers. One is a AAA minor league club, the Tigers are obviously a major league club.

Alec Baldwin is one of the top and most popular comedians in America now. I’ve always seen him as a very funny man and someone who was great with wisecracks before. Very similar to Tom Hanks, but now Baldwin is one of the most popular and visible comedians in America simply because he plays President Donald Trump on Saturday Night Live. Which is probably still the most popular comedy show on TV.

Donald Trump is obviously not the most popular man in America. I mean to be the most popular man in America with a 32% approval rating, means most of the country is either in a coma or you have a hell of a lot haters in the country who hates practically everybody. Perhaps the average American suffers from depression and hates everything that they see.

But Donald Trump is probably the most visible American in America, if not the world and when he makes an ass out of himself and generally he doesn’t go a day without doing that, the comedy industry both right and left and generally left, pick up on that and run with it.

And Alec Baldwin has made a new career at literally making fun of and impersonating President Donald Trump. The man should be sending President Trump a Christmas card everyday of the year. Because Trump has been horrible for the country (at least according to his approval ratings) and how he’s seen around the world, but he’s been great for Alec Baldwin and the broader comedy industry.

You can also see this post on WordPress.

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Phyllis Schlafly Eagles: Phyllis and Fred Schlafly- On Good Morning America in 1978

Source:Phyllis Schlafly Eagles- ABC News Anchor David Hartman.
"Phyllis and Fred Schlafly on Good Morning America 1978. Phyllis and Fred Schlafly sit down on Good Morning America to talk about family, marriage, and the intersection of their public and private life!"

From Phyllis Schlafly Eagles

I don't want to make this piece about Roy Moore, but if I had to guess Roy Moore is a big fan and admirer of Fred and Phyllis Schlafly and their family. Man works and makes money, woman stays home and takes care of the kids at least during the day, but man is always in charge and woman is subservient to man. But similar to Ann Coulter Phyllis Schlafly didn't believe everything that she preached at least in the sense that it should cover her as well. She wrote I believe nine books. Had her own political newsletter, ran for public office several times. She was a working woman before she met and then married Fred Schlafly and then became a working woman again in the 1960s during the Counter Culture movement.

You could argue and I believe Phyllis Schlafly is the mother and founder of the Christian-Right wing of the Tea Party movement. People who are economically libertarian, who have blue-collar middle class populist backgrounds, but are so fundamentalist and hardcore with their religious beliefs that their religious beliefs are their politics. Again, the similarity with Roy Moore, Ann Coulter, Michele Bachmann, Sarah Palin. People who are so hardcore with their religious ideology which is what Christian Conservatism is, that they believe that everyone else should live under their religious and cultural values. Even through government force. That women shouldn't even be allowed to vote, let alone work and leave those activities to the men.

Phyllis Schlafly might have been a housewife in an official sense, but she was a right wing political activist who founded the Eagle Forum in the 1960s and spent the last fifty years or more of her life working and not staying home to raise her family. And yet she was the founder a political movement in the late 1960s and 1970s, that protested against the Counter Culture and women's movement of the 1960s and argued that women shouldn't work at all and stay home to raise their kids and be subservient to their husbands. 

You can also see this post at The FreeState, on Blogger.

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Ron Paul Liberty Report: Ron Paul & Chris Rossini- 'Government's Can't Legislate Morality'

Source:Ron Paul Liberty Report- the U.S. Constitution on fire?
"America's Founders did not delude themselves into believing that government was a moral institution with a responsibility to take care of people. They understood that government was violent force, and that the best way individuals to thrive was to chain that force down as much as possible. Those chains have obviously been removed, and the terrible results should not be a surprise. Ron Paul discusses on today's Liberty Report." 

From the Ron Paul Liberty Report

I agree with Ron Paul on one thing here: Chris Rossini makes a good point that I'll mention as well, but Representative Paul said that government is one of the last institutions to legislate morality. Why is that? Because government represents and governs the people. 

Government is only as good as the people they represent. Rarely if ever better and in many cases worst. Americans tend not to avoid paying their taxes and taking bribes. Legislatures who vote for bills because thats what their donors want them to do. But a lot of politicians do and you could argue every politician takes bribes at least in the sense that lobbyists tell them that if they vote for or against this piece of legislation, they'll give them their support. Financial support, as well as their endorsement.

When politicians do corruption, its what's called legalized bribery. Joe or Mary Jones (or whatever name you want to use) tells Senator Smith or Wilson, that if they vote for or against this legislation, they'll back their reelection campaign financially and verbally. But if a private citizen offers a police officer 20 bucks if they don't write them a ticket, that person could be arrested for attempting to bribe a police officer. If people want a moral government, then they need to vote for moral people to represent them in government and then hold them accountable.

It's easy for anyone to run on morality in a political campaign. But that old cliche of actions speak louder than words, the intelligent person who came up with that quote must of had politicians in mind when they said that. Because behaving in office and actually doing what you campaign on, is hell of a lot different than saying we need morality and I'm in favor of this against that and this is what I'm going to do if you elect or reelect me.

Government is only as good as the people it represents and that is government when its at its best. And there are good moral politicians and I believe most civil servants, as well as law enforcement officers, foreign affairs officers, military personal, as well as a lot of politicians, are generally good people who want to do the right thing. (No, I really believe that) 

But if government wants a moral society, than they need to set the example and not try to hold the people they're supposed to represent to a higher standard than they are willing to hold themselves simply because they think they can get away with it and have the power. Because at the end of the day the people always have the power in a liberal democracy. The power to fire politicians who don't do a  good job representing them. 

You can also see this post at FreeState Now, on Blogger.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

The Rubin Report: Scott Adams & Dave Rubin- Donald Trump's Persuasion and Presidency

Source: The Rubin Report-
Source:The Daily Review

Is Donald Trump the best salesman we've ever seen in American politics as far as getting people to by what he's selling regardless of the quality of products that he's selling, or is he the best conman we've ever seen in American politics? If you look at his agenda and how unpopular it is and his lack of success in getting anything that he ran on 2016 passed in Congress, he's not a very good salesman.

Running for president and even getting elected President, is obviously a hell of a lot different than doing the job and getting people to support what you're doing. A 33-35% approval rating out of 100% by the way, is not a very good record as far as selling your presidency and your agenda. So in this sense at least he's the worst salesman perhaps we've ever seen in American politics, at least to this point, because only a third of the country is buying what he's doing right now.

Donald Trump literally operates in a fact free world. Its not what the truth actually is that concerns him, because the truth is generally bad about him. Its what he can literally get away with that concerns him. This is why I mentioned the conman part because if the conman literally operated from the truth and told people he has all of this junk to sell you or this scam you should invest in and give the conman most of the money that the customer would never see a dime on and would lose a lot of money instead, the conman would never be successful, obviously. Donald Trump operates in the same fact free world that a conman operates from. Its not the truth thats important, but what he can get away with and what he can get people to believe.

One thing I'll give Donald Trump credit for is that he's a master salesman/conman at getting people who now hate American politics (thanks to the Republican Party and Democratic Party) to buy what he's selling. He's great with labeling people and situations and great with political catch phrases. "Make America great again." Well, if you get past the small point that most Americans including myself already think America is great and thought America was great back in 2008-09 when George W. Bush was still President, who could possibly disagree with that catch phrase. Who doesn't (except for Socialists and Communists) want America to be great?

I agree with Scott Adams on one thing. But I would have one qualifier to that. I believe a popular inspirational well-funded Democrat would have beaten Donald Trump in 2016 just because Trump s Trump and the campaign he ran. Hillary Clinton lost Pennsylvania and Michigan because Democrats there voted for Trump. Imagine someone with Hillary's personal and professional qualifications, but without the baggage. Who was likable and viewed generally as fairly honest at least. Barack Obama if hr were eligible to run for a third term as President in 2016, I believe beats Trump going away.

What Donald Trump had going for him if that even though America finally broke away from the Great Recession and the economy was firmly strong again, you had millions of blue-collar Caucasian-American voters in the Midwest who weren't feeling the economic recovery. And if anything were worst off than they were ten years ago. Who saw immigration and perhaps even Latinos and Middle Easterners, as a threat to their way of life. Which is the base of voters that Donald Trump spoke to and claimed to represent. Even though just 6-8 years ago Donald Trump was a damn Yankee from New York City and even a Liberal Democrat (in the real sense, not stereotypical sense) who was friends with Bill and Hillary Clinton and who liked The Kennedy's.

To go back to the conman part of Donald Trump. Trump was able to sell bag of goods that had probably already expired years ago and was able to sell these people that he represented them and was going to fight for them. And ran this tribalist nationalist campaign of us against them. What they would call the real Americans, against people who hated America, as they would argue. And when you have a section of the country who believes their America is disappearing and your opponent is Hillary Clinton or someone as unpopular as she is and a Democratic Party that rather not vote at all, than to vote for either Hillary or The Donald, a presidential campaign that Trump run can be effective and even win.
The Rubin Report: Dave Rubin and Scott Adams- Donald Trump's Persuasion and Presidency

Monday, December 4, 2017

Americans United: Rokia Hassanein: 'Jerry Falwell Jr. Admits That The Religious Right's Support For Donald Trump Is About Power, Not Values'

Source:Americans United- Jerry Falwell Jr: the President of the Donald Trump cult? 

"Religious Right favorite Jerry Falwell Jr. recently spoke with white nationalist propaganda website, Breitbart, and made some comments that made it clear that the Religious Right’s relationship with the Republican Party is (unsurprisingly) about political power, not religious values."

The Religious-Right (Christian-Right, actually) support for a man like Donald Trump is all the evidence that you need to know that this political movement is nothing more than a fraud. This is a moment that self-proclaim's itself being about defending conservative Christian values and what they call American values, and yet they back a man who owns casinos, did business with strip clubs, admits to molesting women, has been divorced twice and cheated on his previous two wives, was pro-choice on abortion up until 2011 or so, a New York City Liberal Democrat, up until 2012 or so, even pro-gay marriage and yet they claim is someone who defends their conservative Christian values. Which of those values is he defending? The divorces, abortion, sexual harassment, gay marriage?

The Christian-Right, at least the hardcore partisans in the movement who seem interested nothing but defeating Democrats at any costs, are a political cult. Religious cult might be too nice for them. They are America's and the West's version of ISIS. They take a religion in Christianity and the Evangelical wing of it and have completely butcher it. And have fooled millions of Southern Anglo-Protestants in America into thinking that they're behind him and back their way of life and defend Christianity everyday. When the only thing that they're doing is backing Republicans who share their fundamentalist theocratic political philosophy.

Jerry Falwell Jr. (the President of Liberty University) support for Donald Trump, is all about politics. It has nothing to do with Christianity and Christian values. Trump wasn't active at all when it came to religion up until a few years ago and can't even quote one line from the Bible. 

Donald Trump is a Republican and a right-wing Nationalist and Falwell and other members of his movement see his as their ticket to getting right-wing judges appointed and confirmed, as well as getting more right-wing Republicans and so-called Christian-Conservatives elected to office. 

You can also see this post at FRS FreeState, on WordPress.

Saturday, December 2, 2017

James Michl: The O'Reilly Factor- Glenn Beck Talking To Bill O'Reilly About Newt Gingrich

Source: James Michl- Bill O’Reilly, giving Glenn Beck, The O’Reilly Finger, talking about Newt Gingrich. LOL 
“Glenn Beck on the Factor Newt G. Progressive” 

I just have a flat disagreement with Glenn Beck on what a Progressive is and also find myself on this weird planet if not universe, where I’m agreeing with Bill O’Reilly on anything. I wasn’t sure I could agree with Bill O’Reilly about current weather in Miami or how many states are part of the United States, because Bill is wrong about so many things.

But O’Reilly is right about Newt Gingrich at least in the sense that what was a Progressive in the early 20th Century about being someone who is about progress and using government to help create that progress and what’s supposed to pass as a Progressive today (like the Cleveland Browns trying to pass as an NFL franchise) , are two completely different things.

According to Glenn Beck a Progressive and a Socialist, are the same thing. Hell, why not add Communist and say being a Communist is the same thing as being a Progressive. Even though most of the Communist ideology is regressive with how authoritarian it is and all the rights and freedom that people would lose if Communists were to some how come into power even though democratic means.

Theodore Roosevelt, Progressive. Bernie Sanders, Socialist. The Progressive doesn’t want a government dominated society where most if not all of our social benefits and economic security, is provided by government and financed through our taxes. The Democratic Socialist at least, doesn’t want government completely in charge of society. But our individual freedom and personal income, would be much more limited if Democratic Socialists were to ever come to power.

Newt Gingrich is obviously not a Libertarian, or a Nationalist, has some things in common with the Christian-Right, but doesn’t roll with them on all their policies. Not a Conservative-Libertarian either, but he’s a Progressive in a conservative sense. Someone who believes in using government to create progress, but through conservative free market principles.

For example: instead of just having people on public assistance just stay there and give them some money, Newt would say that those people should be looking for and getting work, as well as education so they can get themselves a good job and no longer need public assistance at all. As a condition of receiving that taxpayer funded public assistance. With is very different from a Libertarian who says that government shouldn’t be involved in public welfare at all. And a Socialist saying that government should guarantee a basic income for everyone with no conditions.

For perhaps the first time in my life I find myself in agreement with Bill O’Reilly on anything. I don’t even drink alcohol, let alone use illegal narcotics but it feels like I’m on some high and seeing things that shouldn’t be there. Like Donald Trump being President of the United States. Wait, that actually did happen.

But O’Reilly’s idea of a Progressive is inline with Teddy Roosevelt’s, as well as mine. That progressivism is about progress. That the first eight letters in the word progressive is actually progress. And that being a Socialist is about socialization and using government to solve most if not all the problems in the country. With Glenn Beck believing that Progressive is another word for Socialist. Someone who believes in big government. Even though a Socialist is lot more ideological than a Progressive would actually ever be. 

You can also see this post on WordPress.

Friday, December 1, 2017

Politics and Prose: Jonathan Martin Interviewing Denis Leary- 'Why We Don't Suck'

Source: Politics and Prose-
Source:The Daily Review

I haven't read Denis Leary's book so I can't get you any real analysis of it whatsoever. But I was alive, conscience, and in America, for the entire time in 2016. Except when I wasn't sleeping, which is any longer than the average American sleeps. And I can tell you about Suck Bowl 2016 (which is what I call the Donald Trump-Hillary Clinton presidential election) and why it was the worst presidential election we've ever seen.

I voted for Hillary Clinton for president and would do again million straight times, if her opponent is Donald Trump or anyone else who is as unqualified to even be a back benching member of the House of Representatives, let alone President of the United States. Ot is as immature, thin skinned, unread, lacking in intelligence, knowledge, and curiosity about how the U.S. Government works, narcissistic, dishonest, as a Donald Trump or anyone else with those same characteristics. That are the only reasons why I voted for her.

Not because I'm a fan of Hillary Clinton. I basically see her as a well-meaning intelligent person, who wants to do a good job. And if it wasn't for this Thanksgiving grocery shopping list of reasons why I don't like her, I could vote for her because I believe in her and believe she would do a great job. We're talking about a major presidential nominee who has been thinking about being President of the United States, at least since she was elected to the U.S. Senate in 2001, and yet didn't seem to have any vision of why she should be President and what her campaign was about. Other than that she's a well-educated, rich yuppie New Yorker, who is also a feminist and a Democrat. Which is why the rich cool people should vote for her. And that she's also a woman and would be the worst female President of the United States. Well, most of the rich cool people did vote for Hillary and she still lost states that no Democrat has lost since 1988. Pennsylvania and Michigan.

So you have the baggage of Hillary Clinton. Well some of the baggage. How about her lack of candor  and genuineness and ability to make a statement that doesn't sound like it was poll tested or that some who works for her told her to say. Which killed her in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Ohio, probably Florida as well, states where she was heavily favored going in. What those voters saw in Donald Trump was at least someone who seems to say what he thinks, at least at the time. Even if he changes his position five minutes later after hearing what Breitbart or some other Far-Right publication or organization thinks about it. But Trump came off as real and says what's on his mind. Instead of someone who seems to say whatever the polls are telling him are popular at the time.

This is why I call the 2016 presidential election Suck Bowl 2016. Perhaps the the two worst presidential candidates you could imagine running against each other. One, who might be a good public servant, but who is a horrible politician at least in the sense that she lacks any ability to communicate a vision for the country and what her presidency would be like and why people should vote for her. Against a natural politician at least in the sense of someone who can bring voters behind him and be able to speak to them. But who is a horrible public servant simply because he doesn't believe in public service. His idea of service is serving himself. And some people are still wondering why Americans at least say they hate American politics and don't like American politicians.
Politics and Prose: Jonathan Martin Interviewing Denis Leary- "Why We Don't Suck"

John F. Kennedy Liberal Democrat

John F. Kennedy Liberal Democrat
Source: U.S. Senator John F. Kennedy in 1960