Source:Fox News- Glenn Beck talking about people he calls Progressives. |
The Daily Times
"This is an excerpt from Glenn Beck's FOX show that aired Wednesday night, October 21, 2009. It has been edited to fit the YouTube time slot. You can watch the full clip (and read the article/transcript) at Glenn Beck's website:Glenn Beck. The video is also available at FOX News website:
FOX News."
Glen Beck is right that the Progressiïe Caucus in Congress and their allies in America want profits to at least be limited. Where some industry’s even get nationalized, or where there’s at least public options to them. Health care would get nationalized, Medicare would be the only health insurer in America and perhaps private hospitals would be nationalized as well. Or there would at least be a Federal health care system with Federal hospitals and clinics. Democratic Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders, managed to get public funding for community health clinics in the 2010 Affordable Care Act.
Under a democratic socialist system in America, the banking system would either be nationalized, or for-profit banks would become illegal. And there would be Federal Banks. Private schools would probably get nationalized, or the entire education system in America would be nationalized.
Whatever is left of the private sector if the Green Party, or Democratic Socialist Party ever came to power in America, would be highly taxed and regulated with strict limits on profits. There would be strict limits on how much individuals could make. And when they go over at, the Federal Government would collect that money in taxes.
And all of this money would go to fund a vast welfare or superstate looking something like they have in Sweden. Or it would trump that, paying for everything from health care, health insurance, Unemployment Insurance, retirement, education. All things provided for by the Federal Government, none of it free by the way. With tax rates ranging from 25-90% if not higher like back in the 1950s.
Where Glen Beck goes off the deep end to the point where he’s drowning in his own hot water, (you can’t drown in hot air, but I wish politicians could.) is lumping Barack Obama and his Administration in with the Progressive Caucus/Party.
Beck is right about the basic goals of the Democratic Socialist movement. But wrong that the entire Democratic Party is in favor of it. It's only a faction maybe 20% of the party that believes in this agenda. Which is a good thing otherwise I wouldn’t be a Democrat.
Glen Beck has a habit of making good points and speaking out of his ass in the same editorial. He’s like a doctor making a brilliant diagnosis about someone with a bad back who doesn’t feel any pain. Even though they were injured and this person has had a back for a long time. But then the doctor gives a speech about nuclear energy something he knows nothing about. He diagnosis’s the wrong problems and issues.
Glen Beck has a pretty good idea about democratic socialism in America. But knows very little about the Democratic Party, except the Socialists in it. That again only make up around 20% of a very large party. It's like someone who thinks they can be a great football coach, because they watch the games on TV. And have the opportunity to say that didn’t work, they should’ve done this instead. And then they get a chance to coach and have no idea what to call, or why their calls didn’t work. People should just speak to what they know about, which for Glen Beck is probably only a few subjects.
Glen Beck is no more an expert on the Democratic Party a party I’m a member of (and I’m a Liberal Democrat, by the way) than Sarah Palin is an expert on anything important. But let's use foreign policy for the sake of time: and he should just speak to the subjects that he understands like socialism and libertarianism. And let people who understand liberalism and the Democratic Party like myself analyze those things. And I won’t try to analyze nuclear physics or engineering subjects, because I know basically nothing about as well.
The other thing that Glenn Beck gets wrong about Progressives: people he calls Progressives aren't Progressives. He's like a guy on the street who criticizes the bad driving of airline pilots, when he should be talking about the bad driving of cab drivers, or at the least the bad driving of a particular cab driver. The people he calls Progressives are Socialists. In some cases Democratic Socialists or Social Democrats. But would you want to be right-wing commentator or journalist with these folks in power?