Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Police Woman: Tigress (1978) Laraine Stephens Guest Stars

"POLICEWOMAN - Series 4 - Episode 11 - "Tigress"
Originally broadcast 11th January 1978

MOPPY-KUN TV now screens on both Dailymotion & you tube - episodes not here are definitely on Dailymotion.

Angie Dickinson as POLICE WOMAN was the first American Police Drama to feature a woman in the title role inspiring many women to join the force. POLICE WOMAN ran on NBCTV for four seasons from 13th September 1974 to 29th March 1978 consisting of 91 episodes.
Story synopsis: - A special team of undercover Police Officers work for the Criminal Conspiracy Unit at the Los Angeles Police Department." 

Source: MOPPY-KUN TV- left to right: Laraine Stephens as Los Angeles City Council candidate Amelia Boyer & Angie Dickinson as LAPD Detective Sergeant Pepper Anderson.


"Pepper resents her assignment to protect an unscrupulous former classmate who is now a political candidate." 

Source:IMDB- Laraine Stephens as Amelia Boyer.


"At a public hearing in Dade County, Florida, parents were enraged. The nation, they said, was in peril and children were at risk. A recent ordinance had granted gay people housing and employment protections, and that meant teachers couldn’t be fired because of their sexuality. Florida classrooms quickly became a battleground, and opponents of the ordinance said the state’s support of civil rights for homosexuals was infringing on their rights as parents. 

Action had to be taken, and a campaign to limit the legal rights of LGBTQ people — all in the name of protecting children — was enacted. A woman who spoke at this hearing said it was her right to control “the moral atmosphere in which my children grow up.” That woman was Anita Bryant, formerly Miss Oklahoma and a white, telegenic, Top 40 singer who was well known for her Florida orange juice commercials (“A day without orange juice is like a day without sunshine!” she’d say). Bryant spearheaded an anti-LGBTQ campaign of such impact that its echoes can be heard in today’s rhetoric. The year was 1977.

Last month, nearly half a century after Bryant’s “Save Our Children” campaign, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed the Parental Rights in Education bill, dubbed the “Don’t Say Gay” bill by its opponents. The measure, which takes effect July 1, prohibits classroom instruction on sexual orientation or gender identity in “kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards.” Similar bills are being considered in 19 other states, according to the Movement Advancement Project, an LGBTQ think tank that has been tracking the bills... 

“In the present environment, you can’t go after homosexual teachers anymore,” Faderman said. “We have too many allies. And so Florida has found another way to do it by this ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill, which doesn’t go after homosexual teachers precisely. But the idea is the same. That is, that homosexuality is a pariah status, and it shouldn’t be discussed in the public schools.”

Source:NBC News: "Singer-turned-political activist Anita Bryant speaks at a news conference in Miami Beach, Fla. on June 7, 1977."

From NBC News

"She came to national attention when millions of copies of her self-published book A Choice Not an Echo were distributed in support of Barry Goldwater's 1964 presidential campaign, especially in California's hotly fought winner-take-all-delegates GOP primary.[23] In it, Schlafly denounced the Rockefeller Republicans in the Northeast, accusing them of corruption and globalism. Critics called the book a conspiracy theory about "secret kingmakers" controlling the Republican Party.[24] Schlafly had previously been a member of the John Birch Society; founder Robert Welch Jr. referred to her as a "very loyal" member.[25] She later quit and denied she had been a member because she feared her association with the organization would damage her book's reputation. By mutual agreement her books were not mentioned in the John Birch Society's magazine, and the distribution of her books by the society was handled so as to mask their involvement. The society was able to dispense 300,000 copies of A Choice Not an Echo in California prior to the June 2, 1964, GOP primary.[26] Gardiner Johnson, Republican National Committee for California, stated that the distribution of her book in California was a major factor in Goldwater's winning the nomination.

American feminists made their greatest bid for national attention at the 1977 National Women's Conference in Houston; however, historian Marjorie J. Spruill argues that the anti-feminists led by Schlafly organized a highly successful counter-conference, the Pro-Life, Pro-Family Rally, to protest the National Women's Conference and make it clear that feminists did not speak for them. At their rally at the Astro Arena they had an overflow of over 15,000 people,[30] and announced the beginning of a pro-family movement to oppose politicians who had been supporting feminism and liberalism, and to promote "family values" in American politics, and so moved the Republican Party to the right and defeated the ratification of the ERA.

Schlafly became an outspoken opponent of the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) during the 1970s as the organizer of the "STOP ERA" campaign. STOP was a backronym for "Stop Taking Our Privileges". She argued that the ERA would take away gender-specific privileges enjoyed by women, including "dependent wife" benefits under Social Security, separate restrooms for males and females, and exemption from Selective Service (the military draft).[32][33] She was opposed by groups such as the National Organization for Women (NOW) and the ERAmerica coalition. The Homemakers' Equal Rights Association was formed to counter Schlafly's campaign...

In 1972, when Schlafly began her campaign against the Equal Rights Amendment, the ERA had already been ratified by 28 of the required 38 states.[35] Seven more states ratified the amendment after Schlafly began organizing opposition, but another five states rescinded their ratifications. The last state to ratify the ERA was Indiana, where State Senator Wayne Townsend cast the tie-breaking vote in January 1977.[36] (Nevada, Illinois and Virginia ratified the ERA between 2017 and 2020, many years after the deadline to do so.)[37]

The Equal Rights Amendment was narrowly defeated, having only achieved ratification in a total 35 states.[7] Political scientist Jane J. Mansbridge concluded in her history of the ERA:
Many people who followed the struggle over the ERA believed—rightly in my view—that the Amendment would have been ratified by 1975 or 1976 had it not been for Phyllis Schlafly's early and effective effort to organize potential opponents.[38]

Joan Williams argues, "ERA was defeated when Schlafly turned it into a war among women over gender roles."[39] Historian Judith Glazer-Raymo argues:
As moderates, we thought we represented the forces of reason and goodwill but failed to take seriously the power of the family values argument and the single-mindedness of Schlafly and her followers. The ERA's defeat seriously damaged the women's movement, destroying its momentum and its potential to foment social change ... Eventually, this resulted in feminist dissatisfaction with the Republican Party, giving the Democrats a new source of strength that when combined with overwhelming minority support, helped elect Bill Clinton to the presidency in 1992 and again in 1996.[40]

Critics of Schlafly pointed out that she was not a typical housewife, as she was heavily involved in political causes." 

Source:Wikipedia with a profile of far-right political activist Phyllis Schlafly.

From Wikipedia

I give you all this background information about Anita Bryant and Phyllis Schlafly because I wanted to see how many people I could get to run to the nearest and highest bridge to jump off from, to escape from having to do all this reading. Actually, I have another reason for this. Even better than the first 1. 

With all this background info of Anita Bryant and Phyllis Schlafly, I'm trying to give you an idea of what American political culture was like in the mid and late 1970s on the Right. And I'm sure as hell not talking about the center-right. 

And of course I'm not a mindreader. I'm also not a brain surgeon, or astronaut, or a murder 1 defense lawyer specializing in death penalty cases. (Just in case the jury is still out on any of that) I'm just saying that I believe that's what this Police Woman episode is based on. At least the political background of the of Amelia Boyer, (played by Laraine Stephens) the woman that the fictional Criminal Conspiracy Unit in LAPD is assigned to protect in this episode.

If you are familiar with the Ann Coulter's, the Mercedes Schlapp's, Marjorie T. Greene's and Lauren Boebert's in the U.S. House of Representatives, these women from today... that's who the Amelia Boyer (played by Laraine Stephens) character is like ideologically and culturally. 

These far-right, female culture warriors, argue that America is essentially being taken over by independent, educated, Caucasian women, and at least to a certain extent racial and ethnic minorities. And that homosexuality and personal freedom in general, is "poisoning and blood of America" and that it's time for the "real Americans" (meaning Anglo-Saxon-Protestants) to step up, fight back, and "take back America". 

And that's who Anita Bryant was when it came to homosexuality and perhaps other culture war issues in Miami and San Francisco in the late 1970s. And that's who Phyllis Schlafly was when it came to all these cultural war battles on the far-right in America, for really the 2nd half of her adult life starting in the mid 1960s and up until she died in 2016. 

I saw the Tigress episode last night, knowing that I would be writing about it today. And I believe Laraine Stephens plays that Phyllis Schlafly like character beautifully (in more ways than 1) and perfectly. And LAPD Detective Sergeant Pepper Anderson (played by Angie Dickinson) plays the independent woman, who hates Amelia Boyer's (played Laraine Stephens) politics and who represents the contrarian point of view to Miss Boyer's politics, beautifully (in more ways than 1) and plays that role perfectly as well.

You can follow me on ThreadsBlue Sky, and Twitter.

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Monday, December 30, 2024

Jacques Tourneur: Out of The Past (1947) Starring Robert Mitchum & Jane Greer

Source:Roger Ebert with a look at Out of The Past (1947)

"Most crime movies begin in the present and move forward, but film noir coils back into the past. The noir hero is doomed before the story begins — by fate, rotten luck, or his own flawed character. Crime movies sometimes show good men who go bad. The noir hero is never good, just kidding himself, living in ignorance of his dark side until events demonstrate it to him.

“Out of the Past” (1947) is one of the greatest of all film noirs, the story of a man who tries to break with his past and his weakness and start over again in a town, with a new job and a new girl. The movie stars Robert Mitchum, whose weary eyes and laconic voice, whose very presence as a violent man wrapped in indifference, made him an archetypal noir actor. The story opens before we’ve even seen him, as trouble comes to town looking for him. A man from his past has seen him pumping gas, and now his old life reaches out and pulls him back.

Mitchum plays Jeff Bailey, whose name was Jeff Markham when he was working as a private eye out of New York. In those days he was hired by a gangster named Whit Sterling (Kirk Douglas, electrifying in an early role) to track down a woman named Kathie Moffat (Jane Greer, irresistibly mixing sexiness and treachery). Kathie shot Sterling four times, hitting him once, and supposedly left with $40,000 of his money. Sterling wants Jeff to bring her back. It’s not, he says, that he wants revenge: “I just want her back. When you see her, you’ll understand better...

"Noir Alley - Out of the Past (1947) intro 20220605 by Eddie Muller shown on June 5, 2022
From TCM's Noir Alley (Saturdays at Midnight ET and Sunday 10am ET) hosted by the Czar of Noir, Eddie Muller." 

Source:Noir Fan- TCM film historian Eddie Muller.

From Noir Fan

"Noir Alley - Out of the Past (1947) outro 20220605 by Eddie Muller shown on June 5, 2022
From TCM's Noir Alley (Saturdays at Midnight ET and Sunday 10am ET) hosted by the Czar of Noir, Eddie Muller" 

Source:Noir Fan- TCM film historian Eddie Muller.

From Noir Fan

Just to give you my little personal background of this film first. I caught this movie almost by accident 5 years ago in the summer of 2019, on a Sunday, when I just got home from biking, just got out of the shower, having a little dinner, and I was sort of flipping around on the TV that night. And I just couldn't stop watching the movie. And I immediately checked to see when this film would be on again. Turns out the next filming of Out of The Past from TCM, was a year later from when I saw it the first time. This film is not on TV very often. So what I like to do with all my favorite films, is record them on DVD when they're on TV. Which is what I've done with Out of The Past and most of my favorite films. 

Eddie Muller thinks either Out of The Past or Double Indemnity is the best film noir of all-time. I look at Out of The Past, the way I look at North By Northwest: NBN is the best Alfred Hitchcock film ever. And Out of The Past is the best film noir ever. 

In a 97 minute film, you have the best of film noir: 

You have what looks like a love story starting out, where you have Jeff Bailey/Markham (played by Robert Mitchum) basically falling in love with the woman who he was hired to find by a gangster, Whit Sterling (played by Kirk Douglas) almost before he ever meets her. 

To Whit Sterling's credit, he did warn Markham that Kathie Moffatt (played by Jane Greer) was no ordinary woman. I mean the word "unforgettable" comes to mind with both Jane Greer and Kathie Moffatt. Every time she speaks, I'm staring at her eyes and and her facial expressions, as I'm trying not to fall into a trance from that and trying to hear what she says. And that's basically what happens to Markham here. Until she kills his former partner because he was simply trying to retrieve the money that she stole from her gangster boyfriend. While double-crossing his old partner Jeff. 

I think another thing that makes Out of The Past such a great film, is it's so classic film noir. 

You have the man (played by Robert Mitchum) who is sort of the lead good guy (even though there's no such thing as a good guy or good girl in Out of The Past) who is really just a survivor. As Jeff Markham says in the film: "If we are all going to die, I'm going to die last". 

There are no saints or angels in Out of The Past, or I film noir in general. There are just a lot of narcissistic, double-crossers, who are simply in the business of getting what they believe is there's and what they want. And then you have survivors on the other side who are doing exactly that. They don't want the real crooks to get what away with whatever they're trying to get away with. Or hurt the people that they care about. But just like there are no real cold days in Hell and there are no virgins at whore houses, there are no saints or angels in film noir. 

Jeff Markham is simply looking to survive this experience. Which means staying alive and staying out of prison. And even coming out of this experience better off than he started. But he plans on at the very least being the last person to die during this experience.

I think the two best scenes in Out of The Past, is the San Francisco scene. That's about 1/2 of the film right there. That could've been a great TV episode of some great detective series from the 1950s or 60s, something like Peter Gunn or something. 

Whit Sterling and his organization simply want their tax attorney out-of-the-way. Sterling sends Markham to San Francisco to meet with Meta Carson (played by Rhonda Fleming) who introduces him to Sterling's tax attorney, Eels (played by Ken Niles) at his apartment. But the whole point of that is to show that Markham was in that apartment the night that Eels was murdered. Markham being the experienced and intelligent detective that he is, figures that out from the beginning that he's being framed. And gets ahold of Sterling's tax records, in order to keep himself alive and prevent these gangsters who work for Sterling, from turning him over to the police for the murder of the tax attorney. 

My 2nd favorite scene in the film is towards the end of it after Kathie (played by Jane Greer) just killed Whit Sterling (even though they don't show us doing that) and I think she perfectly sums up who she is and what Out of The Past is really about, which is a movie about surviving, with this quote: 

Kathie: "I never told you I was anything but what I am. You just wanted to imagine I was. That's why I left you. You're no good and neither am I. That's why we deserve each other. 

Kathie trying to convince Jeff that they belong together by saying he either takes her back, or he will go down for the murders of Eels, Joe Stephanos (played by Paul Valentine) and Whit Sterling: 

"Whit's dead. A bundle of papers isn't any good. If Joe was around, you could use him, but Joe's dead too. So what are you gonna do about Eels and Fisher? For that matter, what are you gonna do about this? Someone has to take the blame. You have nothing on me, but I'd make a fine witness for the prosecution. Don't you see? You've only have me to make deals with now. No, no, we're starting all over. I want to go back to Mexico. I want to walk out of the sun again and find you waiting. I want to sit in the same moonlight and tell you all the things I never talked to you - till you don't hate me, till sometime you'll love again." 

Again, back to my point about there being no saints or angels in Out of the Past, just survivors... Kathie has just laid out the score for what their situation is. She's completely honest and truthful about how she would screw him over, if he doesn't agree to go with her. And he's sort of resigned to thinking that he basically has no other choice. Otherwise he could go down for 3 murders, thanks to her. And keep in mind, if you seen this film before, she had Joe Stephanos (played by Paul Valentine) try to murder him, right before they're all back at the Sterling cabin together. And he suspects her of that. 

Is Jane Greer or even her character Kathie Moffat the only great thing about Out of The Past, or even the only reason to watch Out of The Past? Of course not. Otherwise this film wouldn't be the great film that it is. Which I believe is the greatest film noir ever. Even better than Dark Passage and The Big Sleep, which are also two of my personal favorites. But if the definition of femme fatal is: 

"Sometimes called a man-eater, Mata Hari, or vamp, is a stock character of a mysterious, beautiful, and seductive woman whose charms ensnare her lovers, often leading them into compromising, deadly traps. She is an archetype of literature and art." 

Then that's Kathie Moffat to perfection. And Jane Greer plays this role perfectly. 

On the surface, you would think that Kathie Moffat is too cute scare a mouse. That the mouse would just stare at her thinking: "Who is this baby trying to fool? She's even cuter than me". But that's the femme fatal at it's best. The woman who is simply too cute to make any man suspicious of her. Until he gets some experience with her and learns the hard way that you can never just automatically trust a baby face. Doesn't matter how beautiful she is. 

You can follow me on ThreadsBlue Sky, and Twitter.

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Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Bernard Goldberg: When Even Murder Is Tolerated

Source:Bernard Goldberg with a left at militant-left "rockstar" Luigi Mangione.

"Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg said Thompson’s death on a midtown Manhattan street “was a killing that was intended to evoke terror. And we’ve seen that reaction.” —AP News Report

It didn’t take long, did it? Brian Thompson, the CEO of UnitedHealthcare, was shot and killed, and before police finished cordoning off the crime scene, social media was on fire, turning the alleged shooter into some kind of folk hero.

To more than a few Americans, Luigi Mangione, the man arrested and charged with killing Thompson, wasn’t a cold-blooded killer, but rather a righteous vigilante standing up to corporate greed. He’s even been dubbed the “hot assassin” because of a picture that revealed him shirtless showing off his abs.

Here’s the reality: a man was murdered — shot in the back on a New York City street. You’d think that, at the very least, we could all agree that that’s wrong — without adding … but there are times when even murder is understandable." 

If you are let's say a Baby Boomer (someone born in the 1940s or 50s) like a Bernard Goldberg, or older than that, or you are just someone with a solid understanding of American history, but are younger than a Boomer, then you are familiar with the militant far-left in America. Groups like The Weather Underground and the Symbionese Liberation Army, Students For a Democratic Society, and others from the 1960s and 70s. 

These groups have always believed that progress is not enough and sometimes democracy is not enough to achieve their political objectives. And sometimes you need violence and undemocratic means to achieve their goals and you need to "take a strike at The Man", even if that means murdering people, to bring attention to the issues that these groups care about. 

That's what Luigi Mangione was doing when he murdered United Healthcare CEO Brian Thompson a few weeks ago. He was "striking out against The Man" to bring the attention to what the far-left sees as problems with the American health care system. They hate the facts that our health care system is private and for-profit. 

So when a Luigi Mangione, or some other militant leftist comes along and does what this guy did and he also looks like he could be a Hollywood actor, or a boybander, they celebrate him as some type of a rockstar, doing what they only had the guts to do themselves. 

As my colleague Fred Schneider said last week: 

"But there's only 1 political faction in America that could possibly believe that killing a CEO of a health insurance company, simply because they are a health insurance CEO, and the killer thinks that person is part of the problem... if not a good idea, is perhaps justifiable homicide, or something. 

And there's only 1 political faction in America that would make a murderer of a CEO a pop culture, rockstar, or something, and celebrating this man online and on social media and trying to profit off him with all the videos and the merchandise. And that would be far-left in America, which are made of of some Democratic Socialists, but militant Socialists, the WOKE Left, who believe that progress is never enough. Because it's the system that's the problem itself, who believe that we'll never achieve a "just and fair society", until we take down the system. Or as they would put it: "The Man". 

To the WOKE Left in America, Luigi Mangione is a "totally awesome rockstar", who took a brig strike at "The Man". So they've been celebrating him, at least since he's been the news and they read his manifesto. But for the rest of the country, including people who also don't approve of our health care system, but who believe in the rule of law and who are pro-life in the real sense, (meaning people who believe in protecting innocent lives) Luigi Mangione is just another famous murderer in America. And unfortunately we've had too many famous murderers in America." 

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Monday, December 23, 2024

The Hill: Matt Gaetz Ethics Report Finds 'Substantial Evidence' of Statutory Rape, Drug Use & Law Violations

Source:The Hill with a look at former U.S. Representative Matt Gaetz (MAGA, Florida)

"The report accusing former republican congressman Matt Gaetz of sexual misconduct, illegal drug use and receiving improper gifts was released today. The report found ‘substantial evidence’ of statutory rape, drug use. President Joe Biden commutes death row prisoners. Plus, accused UHC CEO killer Luigi Mangione plead not guilty today in a Manhattan courtroom." 

From The Hill

"The House Ethics Committee found “substantial evidence” that former Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) paid a 17-year-old high school student for sex when he was 35, used illicit drugs like cocaine and ecstasy, and obstructed Congress’s investigation into his conduct.

Those conclusions come in a highly anticipated report released Monday that capped the panel’s years-long, on-and-off investigation into the former Florida congressman.

The House Ethics Committee found “substantial evidence” that former Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) paid a 17-year-old high school student for sex when he was 35, used illicit drugs like cocaine and ecstasy, and obstructed Congress’s investigation into his conduct.

Those conclusions come in a highly anticipated report released Monday that capped the panel’s years-long, on-and-off investigation into the former Florida congressman.

“The committee concluded there was substantial evidence that Representative Gaetz violated House Rules, state and federal laws, and other standards of conduct prohibiting prostitution, statutory rape, illicit drug use, acceptance of impermissible gifts, the provision of special favors and privileges, and obstruction of Congress,” the report says.

Gaetz has repeatedly denied having sexual contact with a minor and other wrongdoing. Last week, in anticipation of the report’s release, Gaetz said he had engaged in “embarrassing, though not criminal” past behavior. 

On Monday, he filed a last-minute lawsuit to block the Ethics Committee from releasing the report.

“These claims would be destroyed in court — which is why they were never made in any court against me,” Gaetz told The Hill on Monday ahead of the report’s release, in reference to the Department of Justice (DOJ) declining to file charges after investigating Gaetz for similar matters." 

From The Hill

As I said last week on The New Democrat about my feelings about Matt Gaetz: 

"How much do you want to bet that if Matt Gaetz was never elected to the U.S. House of Representatives (which would've been his real public service to America... staying out of public office) that he would be some MAGA Bro in Florida, with his own podcast, going online and on air, probably drunk, smoking weed, slapping the asses and grabbing the breasts of the women who worked for him when they walked by to give him news updates, or whatever they gave him or wanted to tell him, and perhaps would go on Greg Gutfeld's show on FOX News, as an analyst, or something. I would take that bet. 

Matt Gaetz is a MAGO Bro, perhaps even a MAGA militant, who got elected to the U.S. House of Representatives. Which is a serious job for serious people. (Despite all the nasty but credible rumors to the contrary) But he's no more serious as a person, then your average professional "reality TV star", who earns their living by getting into trouble and dumping drinks on people and getting into fights at nightclubs. 

So this is what happens when professional political celebrities like a Matt Gaetz, or perhaps in the future a Marjorie Taylor Greene, or Lauren Boebert, (whose already had her own legal issues and had to move out of her House district, just to barely get reelected again) get serious positions in government. These jobs blow up in the faces because they're simply not professional, mature, and responsible enough for them. They're the political version of late night or overnight talk show hosts, trying to make it in prime time, with their first opportunity. 

This part right here sounds very George Santos of Matt Gaetz: "Converted campaign funds to personal use, and/or accepted a bribe, improper gratuity, or impermissible gifts,” according to an announcement by the panel last summer". 

As I said on my Threads page about an hour ago: "Just the fact that Matt Gaetz is admitting to "embarrassing behavior", says a lot. He's really worried about the House report going public."  

To paraphrase The Great George Carlin: we get the politician and "public servants" that we deserve. Meaning, in any democracy, we get the people who got the most votes in the election that they ran in. And I'm sure former Representative Matt Gatez did a lot of bad things here. My post about this last week about this story makes it very clear how I feel about this man. 

But at the end of the day: 

this man even will all the baggage and the fact that Donald Trump's own DOJ had this man under investigation for the exact same issues back in 2018 the House Ethics Committee investigated him for, including in this Congress and he still got reelected anyway in 2024. And the only reason why he's out of public office now, because he resigned because he was worried about what the House Ethics Committee had on him and perhaps didn't want to risk being censured and getting kicked out of the House. All these facts at least suggests that the voters in his district didn't care, or weren't paying attention to this. 

But as MAGA Republicans like to say: we don't live in a democracy. We live in a republic. And just because Matt Gatez's own voters wanted him back in the House for the 119th Congress, doesn't automatically mean that's what they get. Mr. Gaetz is responsible for living by and following by the same rules as every other American citizen. And he resigned from the House simply to try save what's left of any future political career. 

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Friday, December 20, 2024

Luigi Mangione: The New Left Anti-Hero

Source:Don Lemon talking about Luigi Mangione.

"Luigi Mangione has returned to New York after waiving extradition. Still, many Americans view Mangione as a sort of folk hero rather than a cold blooded killer. What is fueling this public support? Are authorities making him a martyr? Tune in for Don's take!" 

From Don Lemon

"More than forty years ago, Richard E. Meyer, a scholar of American folklore, noted the essential difference between the outlaw—which Meyer defined as “a distinctively, though not exclusively, American folktype”—and the mere criminal. He wrote that “the American outlaw-hero is a ‘man of the people’; he is closely identified with the common people, and, as such, is generally seen to stand in opposition to certain established oppressive economic, civil and legal systems peculiar to the American historical experience.” (The italics are Meyer’s.) The outlaw-hero’s persona is that of a “good man gone bad,” not unlike the oncology patient Walter White, of “Breaking Bad,” who started cooking meth because his insurance didn’t cover his cancer treatments. To remain in good standing as an outlaw-hero, a man’s crimes must “be directed only toward those visible symbols which stand outside of and are thought of as oppressive toward the folk group,” Meyer writes. In exchange for both his audacity and his discretion, “the outlaw-hero is helped, supported and admired by his people... 

By contrast, Mangione lasted all of five days on the lam, and appears not to have redistributed any of UnitedHealthcare’s revenues. In other ways, though, he comfortably fits into Meyer’s taxonomy of the antihero. The U.S. health-insurance system is both “oppressive” and quintessentially “peculiar” to America, as the only developed nation in the world that does not provide universal health care. It has been widely speculated that Mangione’s alleged descent into violence may have been spurred by a debilitating back injury and subsequent spinal-fusion surgery. A health-care C.E.O. who receives ten million dollars in annual compensation is likely disqualified from membership in a “folk group,” and another note that Mangione reportedly wrote indicated that he did not want to endanger that group. (“What do you do? You wack the CEO at the annual parasitic bean-counter convention. It’s targeted, precise, and doesn’t risk innocents.”)

Like Floyd, Mangione may also have a knack for the myth-building flourish. Bullet casings left behind at the murder scene read “deny,” “defend,” and “depose,” borrowing from the obstructionist nomenclature of the health-insurance industry—as if its bureaucratic weapons were being turned against one of its own. And, although the manhunt for Mangione came to an ignominious end, early on, he hinted at being a more artful dodger, as when he allegedly left the perfect gag gift for the N.Y.P.D. in Central Park: a backpack stuffed with Monopoly money...

Afascinating artifact of the Mangione affair is the emergence, on TikTok and elsewhere, of the health-insurance murder ballad. (One of the most popular uses “deny, depose, defend” as a refrain.) This nascent subgenre flows directly from Woody Guthrie’s suite of murder ballads, which gave the workingman’s lament an infusion of antihero glamour. The subjects of Guthrie’s songs included Billy the Kid, Jesse James, and Charley Floyd, and it was in a song about Floyd that the bard of the Dust Bowl drew the brightest line between outlaw and oppressor: “Some will rob you with a six-gun / And some with a fountain pen / And as through your life you travel / Yes, as through your life you roam / You won’t never see an outlaw / Drive a family from their home.”

If I had to guess, I would imagine that the American, private health insurance, industry, is about as popular as peanut butter on hot dogs. Or giving your kid broccoli for desert. So I'm not saying that it's just the far-left in America, (who've been trying to outlaw health insurance and perhaps private health care, since he 1960s, if not longer) are the only people that currently disapprove of the American health care system. 

But there's only 1 political faction in America that could possibly believe that killing a CEO of a health insurance company, simply because they are a health insurance CEO, and the killer thinks that person is part of the problem... if not a good idea, is perhaps justifiable homicide, or something. 

And there's only 1 political faction in America that would make a murderer of a CEO a pop culture, rockstar, or something, and celebrating this man online and on social media and trying to profit off him with all the videos and the merchandise. And that would be far-left in America, which are made of of some Democratic Socialists, but militant Socialists, the WOKE Left, who believe that progress is never enough. Because it's the system that's the problem itself, who believe that we'll never achieve a "just and fair society", until we take down the system. Or as they would put it: "The Man". 

To the WOKE Left in America, Luigi Mangione is a "totally awesome rockstar", who took a brig strike at "The Man". So they've been celebrating him, at least since he's been the news and they read his manifesto. But for the rest of the country, including people who also don't approve of our health care system, but who believe in the rule of law and who are pro-life in the real sense, (meaning people who believe in protecting innocent lives) Luigi Mangione is just another famous murderer in America. And unfortunately we've had too many famous murderers in America. 

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George Carlin On Political Correctness

Source:Frustrated Idealist- The Great George Carlin in 1990.

"George Carlin talks about how groups and institutions are inclined to restrict the vocabulary you use with emphasis on the feminist movement." 

"One of my favorite George Carlin bits in which he describes the sterilization of the American language. From the 1990 special Doin' it Again." 

Source:Rob Logan- The Great George Carlin in 1990.

From Rob Logan

"Now I've probably got the feminists all pissed off at me because I'm joking about rape. Feminists want to control your language. Feminists want to tell you how to talk.

And they're not alone, they're not alone. I'm not picking on the feminists. They got a lot of company in this country. There's a lot of groups, a lot of institutions in this country want to control your language. Tell you what you can say and what you can't say. Government wants to tell you some things you can't say because they're against the law. "Well, you can't say this because it's against the regulation." "Well, here's something you can't say because it's a secret." "You can't tell him that, because he's not cleared to know that."

From Genius

“Political correctness is fascism pretending to be manners.”

George Carlin: "There is 1 group that takes itself a little too seriously. And it doesn't take a lot of imagination to piss off a feminist. All you got to do is run into NOW headquarters or Ms. Magazine and say: "Hey, which 1 of you cute cupcakes want to come home with me, cook me a meal, and give me a blowjob?" 

From what I wrote about George Carlin and feminists from back in 2019: 

"Yeah, if you're trying to piss off a feminist or any woman who is to the left of I don't know Phyllis Schlafly ( just to throw out a name ) that would probably do the trick. But how big a population could American women who are to the left of Phyllis Schlafly be anyway, 70-80%: oh wait, we're only talking about out of a 100, so I could see where George might be onto something here."

I think a major point, if not the whole point of George Carlin's comedy, was about the truth, personal freedom, and individuality, which both include freedom of speech. 

And George Carlin's idea of freedom of speech is not the freedom to be liked and popular. He wasn't interested in being part of some clique in high school, that had most of the cool people in it, who were really just clones of their cult hero. He thought people should know the truth and be free to think and act for themselves, even and especially when the truth was hard to hear, especially from the most oversensitive among us. Even if that offended the hell out of overprivileged people in America who thought they know what's best for everyone because they have more money and education than most people. 

On the outside, whether you are talking about radical, militant feminists, or radical, new-left hippies from the 1960s and 70s on the far-left, (who are called WOKE today) or people who were called the Christian-Right in the 1970s and 80s, even 90s, who became the Tea Party during the 2010s, who are MAGA today (and I'm talking about MAGA militants) you would think they would be in a cultural war and it would like Israeli Zionists, versus the Arab Nationalists in Palestine. You would think that the only thing that they have in common, is that they want to destroy each other. Preferably before the other side destroys them. (Unless they're suicidal) 

But WOKE and MAGA actually have a lot in common. They both think that they know what's best for every American and what it means to be decent, moral person. And anyone who disagrees with them is some type of bigot (according to WOKE) or Un-American. (According to MAGA)  

George Carlin died in 2008. But it's safe to say he wasn't a fan of the Christian-Right. It's about as safe to say that is it's about as safe to say that if you jump in a lake, there's a real shot of you getting wet. I mean the mean the man was a freakin Atheist, for crying out loud. He wasn't a fan of Islamism either. But you just look at his material against militant feminism and left-wing political correctness, it's also safe to say that he wasn't a fan of what's called WOKE today. Not that he saw America as some type of utopia or something, but that wasn't trying to take down the system and try to replace America with something that's a hell of a lot less individualistic a lot more authoritarian. 

To go back to my original point about Carlin, he believed in the truth. Which is sort of like saying that someone believes in clean water and fresh air. You would think that would go without saying. But welcome to America, the land of the over protected, even from ourselves. (If the far-left or far-right ever got complete control of this country) And George Carlin was completely against that type of political and social collectivism. 

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Thursday, December 19, 2024

Hunter: The Beautiful & The Dead (1986)

Source:Apple TV- actress Persis Khambatta as Dhari Ziad.

"Hunter and McCall are called to investigate the car bombing of a Middle-Eastern consulate member for which a student terrorist group claims responsibility." 


"Hunter and McCall are called to investigate the car bombing of a Middle-Eastern consulate member for which a student terrorist group claims responsibility." 

Source:YouTube- actress Persis Khambatta as Dhari Ziad.

From YouTube

"When a dead girl disappears from Hunter's living room, Hunter and McCall follow a trail of intrigue, adultery and murder." 

Source:IMDB- actress Katherine Justice plays Shirley Humphreys in this episode.


In early 2021, perhaps earlier than that, Charge started putting the old Hunter episodes on their network. And they did that for about a year or so. And then GetTV picked up the TV series as well about 1-2 years later and are stilling showing Hunter on the weekends.

I'm a Gen-Xer and growing up in the 1980s, this was 1 of my favorite TV shows, especially before my family got cable in the late 80s. And it's 1 of the my favorite cop shows as well. So I'm watching all these Hunter reruns mostly on the weekends. And a few episodes really stand out with me to the point I personally recoded a lot of them on my DVR. 2 episodes in particular are 62 Hours of Terror and The Beautiful and The Dead, both from season 2 and both from 1986. 

If you are familiar with Fred Dryer (who played LAPD Detective Sergeant Rick Hunter) on the Hunter TV series, you know that before he got into acting in the 1980s, he was an All Pro defensive end for the Los Angeles Rams in the NFL in the 1970s. 

So we're talking about a 6'6 240-245 pound man, all muscle, who plays an LAPD detective sergeant and lead investigator on all his cases. But that's just from the outside. He's also a very funny man, who always has a great wisecrack ready to go, or some sarcastic, physical comedy, ready to show as well. And they added his comedic humor, with Stephanie Kramer's who played Sergeant Hunter's partner on this show. (Detective Sergeant DeDee McCall) And she's an excellent comedic actress herself. 

If you are familiar with this TV series, it's basically an action/comedy, that's advertised as police detective show. The detectives are very funny, a lot of the guest actors are also very funny. The storylines and writing and funny as well. But it's also a serious cop show about how two senior, LAPD detectives, solve cases together, but who have a lot of fun with each other while they're doing that. 

The two Hunter episodes that this is about, is what I'm talking about. But there's more to it than that. The fact that LAPD would be investigating Middle Eastern terrorists, as well as officials who were involved in these terrorist acts, but then the fact that a woman (played by Persis Khambatta) from the Baraqi embassy (a made up country) American boyfriend (played by Rod Arrantis) who is really the terrorist here, because this woman really wants to kill her husband whose is cheating on her, (even though she's doing the exact same thing to him) makes this episode even more fascinating to me. 

But then this woman is so cute and beautiful, (reminds me of actress Anne-Marie Johnson) you would think she would be the last person who is behind this terrorist plot, but she's plays the innocent woman so beautifully (in more ways than 1) that you would have to be a great detective like Rick Hunter to figure this out. But it's her boyfriend Harry Malone (played by Rod Arrantis) who gives Sergeant's Hunter and McCall the giveaway to this plot by volunteering that Dhari Ziad (played by Persis Khambatta) is 1 of his clients that he was protecting. Puts Hunter and McCall on to him and that's how they figure this case out. 

As far as The Beautiful and The Dead, it's a great Cold War, intelligence/detective story. You have a Russian citizen Leo Zukoff (played by Kabir Bedi) who is really a Russian intelligence officer, pretending to be a small businessman in Los Angeles. But what he's really doing is knocking off people who get in his way and threaten to exposed himself for what he is, which is a Russian intelligence officer and mobster. Hunter and McCall figure that out pretty quickly. But it takes them most of this 2-part episode to figure this out. 

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David Pakman: You Can See The Moment His Brain Breaks

Source:David Pakman Show with a look at U.S. Senator Tommy Tuberville (MAGA, Alabama)

"Republican Senator Tommy Tuberville parrots anti-vaccine propaganda in the context of RFK Jr's nomination by Donald Trump to be Secretary of Health and Human Services" 

Just to give you an idea of how "impressive" Senator Tommy Tuberville (MAGA, Alabama) thinks of Robert F. Kennedy JR... this is what RFK's wife Cheryl Hines said about her husband today: 

"RFK Jr. faced a tricky dilemma as he sat with Donald Trump on the jubilant president-elect’s plane shortly after the election. Trump has made no secret of his liking for McDonald’s fast food and the table—where Elon Musk, Donald Trump Jr., and House Speaker Mike Johnson were also seated—was set with trays full of Big Macs, fries, and soda. By the same token, Kennedy is disdainful of junk food, calling it “poison.” But according to his wife, actress Cheryl Hines, Kennedy decided he had no choice but to take his “poison.” She told TMZ: “I don’t think he had a choice … it’s all they had.” But Hines isn’t worried that he’ll be swayed by Trump’s bad eating habits in Washington, D.C. if he is confirmed as the nation’s next health chief...

The Daily Beast: Cheryl Hines said husband Robert F. Kennedy Jr. decided he had no choice but to take his “poison.”

Derik Schneider: Was RFKJR kidnapped? Perhaps forced to eat McDonald's with a gun pointed at him?

So apparently Senator Tuberville is impressed by people who get forced to eat food that they don't like and think that it's bad for them. Or perhaps get kidnapped and are forced to eat what they don't like, what they know is bad for them, by gunpoint. 

Apparently Senator Tuberville is not familiar with Article 1 of the U.S. Constitution, that covers Congress and it's role in the U.S. Government, including the Senate's advise and consent policy: 

"Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville said Thursday that it's "not our job" to vet President-elect Donald Trump's nominees.

"Who are we to say that we're a better picker of people than Donald Trump?" Tuberville told CNN's Manu Raju.

Raju reminded Tuberville that advising and consenting on presidential nominees is a core responsibility of the Senate.

Tuberville acknowledged that in part, saying, "We're advise and consent. But that's more the Democrats."

"But don't you think both sides should do the vetting?" Raju asked.

"Well, you know, to some degree," the Alabama lawmaker said. "I mean, but we have to be convinced. I mean, they should do all the background work. They should go after our nominees."

He added: "Donald Trump did all the vetting they needed to do on [Secretary of Defense nominee] Pete Hegseth. And I just can't believe we have people on our side, they're saying, 'Well, I've got to look at this.'"

From Newsweek

Conservative Republican Bill Kristol who's never been accused of holding back when talking about how he feels about the MAGA Party (that used to be the Republican Party) made a great comment about Senator Tuberville last year: 

"Gotta say that @SenTuberville is rapidly rising in the heated competition for the medal as the most smug, self-satisfied, and stupid member of Congress." 

Perhaps David Pakman believes that Tommy Tuberville's brain just broke today over vaccinations. But this guy is the Marjorie Taylor Greene of the U.S. Senate. Perhaps less violent and not as loud. But that might only be because he's 20 years older than Representative Greene. 

As Ronald Reagan said: people vote with their feet. Which means we're free to live anywhere we want in America, in any state or town, or city, etc. But the thinking, or  lack of thinking (to be more accurate) that still goes on in Alabama today, is why they're still an underdeveloped state, that perhaps only looks well off compared to their next door neighbor Mississippi. Because most Americans don't want to live there. 

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Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Bernard Goldberg: Is Woke On The Ropes, Thanks to Mr. Trump?

Source:Bernard Goldberg with a look at WOKE in America.

"The cultural pendulum may be swinging back...
Now, onto today’s column…

Is “woke” on its way out now that Donald Trump is on his way back in? Is a seismic shift in American culture just over the horizon?

Ever since hyper-politically-correct culture took hold in America about 15 years ago, if you told a certain kind of joke, or God forbid, wore a red hat that didn’t say “Save the Whales”— you were practically asking to be dragged in front of the woke inquisition — if not get physically attacked.

Rahm Emanuel — the longtime Democratic insider — was on to something when he said, “The woke police don’t even have to read you your Miranda rights.” They don’t need evidence that what you said really was bigoted and mean-spirited. They just need to be offended — or claim they are — and you’re guilty.

But now it looks like we’re at an inflection point. The cultural pendulum seems to be swinging back. And Donald Trump may be why it’s happening." 

To answer Bernard Goldberg's question: we don't know yet. I think as long as there are left-wing political movements, that are primarily made up of people who are very young and just in college or just out of college, who are probably rare voters, instead of part-time voters, there's going to be some movement that's either WOKE, or is called something like that. 

And unfortunately there will always be not just a Political Correctness Police, but there will be at least two PC departments in America: one for the far-left that attacks anyone who even criticizes any member, of any minority group in America. And one on the far-right that goes after people who even criticize Donald Trump, or whoever their current cult leader is, or one of their most influential MAGA members. 

As my colleague Erik Schneider said last week: 

"The negative WOKE solution here would be something like to blame the American system and argue that: "It's our racist and materialistic system that are holding people of color and others down. And you won't fix this problem, until you tear down the American system and replace it with something that's just."

I'm with Michael Shermer on this in the sense I don't define myself as WOKE. I much rather find ways to solve problems, than to look at the political calculations of them and try to blame the other side for the problem itself. Which is basically what WOKE has become. The WOKE militants seem to be more interested in exploiting the problems of America and finding ways to blame people they disagree with, including Democrats, then to actually solve the problems that they claim to care about. " 

And as far as the fact that Donald Trump got elected President again and that somehow suggests that WOKE was defeated and we're now moving back to a MAGA era... Mr. Trump only won 49% of the popular vote. Which means that more Americans voted against him, then for him. And the first MAGA person who sees this will say: 

"We don't elect our President's based on the popular vote". 

And I would probably say something like in response: 

"Thanks for the tip, Captain Obvious". That's not the point. 

Mr. Trump wasn't elected President of the United States to end WOKE or American democracy. He was elected President to bring down the cost of living. That's what most of national polling suggests, at least outside of MAGA. And he was elected to a certain extent to get illegal immigration under control. But not to end American democracy, or throw out the U.S. Constitution and our Bill of Rights. 

But not only that, but House Republicans had a very tight majority already and will have a bare majority in the next Congress. Senate Republicans won back the Senate, but will also have a very small majority in the next Congress, with a solid bloc of Republicans who aren't MAGA members.

I don't think Bernard Goldberg is suggesting that Donald Trump's 2024 election as President suggests some revolutionary change in American politics for the Right. But you would have to ask him that yourself. But Republicans right now would be looking at attempted political suicide, if they even consider going past their mandate and thinking that Americans now want a MAGA republic. What American voters want is for government to work and to do the basic functions of government. Not elect Donald J. Trump as King and all his supporters in and out of government as members of his MAGA royal family. 

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Chris Cillizza: Today is a VERY Bad Day For Matt Gaetz

Source:Chris Cillizza talking about Matt Gaetz's political hurricane storm.

"CNN is reporting that the House Ethics Committee report on Gaetz WILL be released before Christmas. Run Roh." 

"The House Ethics Committee secretly voted earlier this month to release its report into the conduct of former Rep. Matt Gaetz before the end of this Congress, according to multiple sources with knowledge of the matter.

The report is now expected to be made public after the House’s final day of votes this year as lawmakers leave Washington for the holidays, those sources said.

The vote, which has not previously been reported, amounts to a stark reversal for the panel after it had voted along party lines in late November not to release the results of the investigation. The decision to release the report suggests that some Republicans ultimately decided to side with Democrats on the matter, and it is unclear if the committee will once again change course now that it has voted.

When the committee voted last month to shelve the report, Gaetz was President-elect Donald Trump’s choice to be attorney general. Since then, Gaetz withdrew himself from consideration for the Senate-confirmed post, though he maintains frosty relations with many in his party and is still active in GOP politics.

It is exceedingly rare for an ethics report to be released after a member has left Congress, though it has happened on a couple of occasions in the past. The committee revisited the issue behind closed doors earlier this month after a feud over the report spilled into public view before Thanksgiving.

The Ethics Committee’s report concludes a years-long probe into numerous allegations against Gaetz, including whether he engaged in sexual misconduct, used illicit drugs, “shared inappropriate images or videos on the House floor, misused state identification records, converted campaign funds to personal use, and/or accepted a bribe, improper gratuity, or impermissible gifts,” according to an announcement by the panel last summer.

Gaetz has vigorously denied all the allegations and has characterized the investigation as a witch hunt. 

In a post on X in response to CNN’s reporting on Wednesday, Gaetz emphasized that he was “FULLY EXONERATED” by a separate Department of Justice probe. And he said he “NEVER had sexual contact with someone under 18” — a claim that is addressed in the House Ethics report, CNN has previously reported.

“My 30’s were an era of working very hard - and playing hard too. It’s embarrassing, though not criminal, that I probably partied, womanized, drank and smoked more than I should have earlier in life. I live a different life now.”

Speaker Mike Johnson has said that he does not believe the report should be released, since Gaetz is no longer a member of Congress after he abruptly resigned once Trump announced him as his initial attorney general choice. Johnson has acknowledged he has no role on the operations of the panel, which has traditionally operated separately from leadership. Many lawmakers believed that Gaetz resigned to try to bury the investigation.

Gaetz, who was reelected to the seat last month prior to his resignation, has said he has no plans of returning to Congress next year.

“I’m still going to be in the fight, but it’s going to be from a new perch. I do not intend to join the 119th Congress,” he told Charlie Kirk in an interview last month.

“I’m going to be fighting for President Trump. I’m going to be doing whatever he asks of me, as I always have. But I think that eight years is probably enough time in the United States Congress,” he said.

He also recently announced that he will be joining One America News Network in January.

A spokesman for the committee did not respond to CNN’s request for comment.

This story has been updated with additional reaction." 

From CNN

How much do you want to bet that if Matt Gaetz was never elected to the U.S. House of Representatives (which would've been his real public service to America... staying out of public office) that he would be some MAGA Bro in Florida, with his own podcast, going online and on air, probably drunk, smoking weed, slapping the asses and grabbing the breasts of the women who worked for him when they walked by to give him news updates, or whatever they gave him or wanted to tell him, and perhaps would go on Greg Gutfeld's show on FOX News, as an analyst, or something. I would take that bet. 

Matt Gaetz is a MAGO Bro, perhaps even a MAGA militant, who got elected to the U.S. House of Representatives. Which is a serious job for serious people. (Despite all the nasty but credible rumors to the contrary) But he's no more serious as a person, then your average professional "reality TV star", who earns their living by getting into trouble and dumping drinks on people and getting into fights at nightclubs. 

So this is what happens when professional political celebrities like a Matt Gaetz, or perhaps in the future a Marjorie Taylor Greene, or Lauren Boebert, (whose already had her own legal issues and had to move out of her House district, just to barely get reelected again) get serious positions in government. These jobs blow up in the faces because they're simply not professional, mature, and responsible enough for them. They're the political version of late night or overnight talk show hosts, trying to make it in prime time, with their first opportunity. 

This part of the CNN report I believe is key here and why former Representative Gaetz resigned last month: 

"The Ethics Committee’s report concludes a years-long probe into numerous allegations against Gaetz, including whether he engaged in sexual misconduct, used illicit drugs, “shared inappropriate images or videos on the House floor, misused state identification records, converted campaign funds to personal use, and/or accepted a bribe, improper gratuity, or impermissible gifts,” according to an announcement by the panel last summer.

Gaetz has vigorously denied all the allegations and has characterized the investigation as a witch hunt. 

In a post on X in response to CNN’s reporting on Wednesday, Gaetz emphasized that he was “FULLY EXONERATED” by a separate Department of Justice probe. And he said he “NEVER had sexual contact with someone under 18” — a claim that is addressed in the House Ethics report, CNN has previously reported.

“My 30’s were an era of working very hard - and playing hard too. It’s embarrassing, though not criminal, that I probably partied, womanized, drank and smoked more than I should have earlier in life. I live a different life now.”

This part right here sounds very George Santos of Matt Gaetz: "Converted campaign funds to personal use, and/or accepted a bribe, improper gratuity, or impermissible gifts,” according to an announcement by the panel last summer". 

As I said on my Threads page about an hour ago: "Just the fact that Matt Gaetz is admitting to "embarrassing behavior", says a lot. He's really worried about the House report going public." 

From my Threads page. 

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John F. Kennedy Liberal Democrat

John F. Kennedy Liberal Democrat
Source: U.S. Senator John F. Kennedy in 1960